Why have I been such a *****?!

Question: Why have I been such a *****.?
IDK today towards the end of school, my whole mood changed. I kinda just stopped talking, I decided to walk 3 miles in the rain to get home instead of take the bus. When I got home, my family tried talking to me but I acted like such a ***** and have locked myself in my room with my laptop and some snacks and water. I just feel really off, I am kinda in pain, like achey but I don't know why. I have a lot on my mind and I know I have awful anxiety problems but my parents don't know I have anxiety problems and I don't take that pill thing. I just feel so weird lately, like very tired. I have felt depressed before, I feel that way now kinda. What can I do.? It isn't that I need to talk to anyone about my problems but I feel I need to be put on that pill because my anxiety is just to strong. I'll be sitting in a room and suddenly my heart will be really quick and I'll feel really uncomfortable like someone is out to get me. I am just kinda really scared. What can I do about this. My parents don't believe me when I tell them and they think it's just because I'm a teenager. What do I do.?
ThanksHealth Question & Answer

You have a lot on your mind. You need to go outside or turn off the computer, tv, or anything else that'll distract you in your room, and lay on your bed and clear your mind. I go outside and lay in the grass, sometimes i'll pluck a peice of grass and rip it up to get some anger out if i have any. About the anxiety, it might be to the point where it needs to be treated. I know what you mean when you say our parents dont listen or believe you and think its because your a teenager. been there done that. i got my brother to take me to the doctors office and get checked out. I have untreated depression but what you have dosnt sound as serious. If your really worried just go to the doctors. get a friend to take you. Hope i helped. Msg me if you need. Health Question & Answer

You don't need a pill,Its just psychological.Well,i have been through the same times when i was your age.Its natural,common we cant Always be happy.

Its good to be sad,talk to yourself.Think what you are missing.May be you need something.?

A friend.? or You have friends but don't like somethings about them.Health Question & Answer

If your parents wont take you, get a friend to take you to the doctor to get checked to see if you need the pill.Health Question & Answer

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