What's the best to do, when your friend's suicidal?!

Question: What's the best to do, when your friend's suicidal.?
Well, like.
That's basically it.

I don't know, she's in high school.
I don't go to school. So it's hard for me to see her much ;o

Health Question & Answer

well, i would be moving heaven and earth to try and save her. i would be talking to her parents, her school counsellor, anybody that can help. she probably needs medication, and if you cant get her to go to a doctor, then you have to find someone that can help her. most often when people tell us they want to commit suicide, they are actually asking for help- you can even call the suicide hot line, and explain to them what she has said- i did that for a friend once, and they sent people to her house, and took her to the hospital, and after she got medicated properly,she was fine. if you want to save your friends life, you try to do everything you can. good luck.Health Question & Answer

Well, let her talk as to why she wants too, why she has these thoughts, and try to fix it.
See if she'll talk to a professional, or her parents, she needs help and she knows it but it can be so hard to ask for it.
Just let her know you care and that you don't want her to do something that can't be fixed, when other things can be.
Just listen to her and get her some help.Health Question & Answer

Just be there to listen to what she has to say. Ask her questions about what she is feeling and why. Talk with her about ways to overcome those feelings and give her tips on what to do.

Give her a suicide hotline to call. Ask her if she would like you to go to the doctors with her about her depression or to talk with a psychiatrist with you there as a support.Health Question & Answer

One thing you can do is listen. You can provide her a suicide hotline number in case she is willing to call and talk. Here are two national numbers she can call for free in the United States:
1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433)
1-800-243-TALK (1-800-273-8255)

There is a teen crisis website called the Trevor project that has a lot of information about dealing with this specific issue at:

They, also, have a teen crisis line at:
1-866-4-U-TREVOR (1-866-488-7386)

Hope this helps some. You are a great friend to want to help her.Health Question & Answer

Just try and be there for her as much as you can.Health Question & Answer

Be there for her, and help her get in contact with some helpHealth Question & Answer

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