I want to die right now?!

Question: I want to die right now.?
Why does borderline suck so much.?

I am on a high right now all I want to do Is kill myself and be done with it.
I really want to do it without a second thought everything in my life sucks and its not worth living I just want to die right now.

And In reality I know that isn

You know that your feelings change frequently because of the Borderline though, that there is affective instability, so cling to that, that you might feel better soon. I was abused too, not at gunpoint, but I know the fear and the distrust of people that comes with it.

Try to do something that will soothe you. Do you have a list of self-soothing behaviors.? That is one of the things you learn in DBT in one of the modules called distress tolerance. They tell you to make a list of 10 things you can do to soothe yourself -- things that you like -- such as a warm bath with candles, watching a movie, reading a book, etc. (My list has stuff like blowing bubbles, coloring pictures, deep breathing techniques and such.) Then you post the list where you can see it when you get into a mood where you need to do something to soothe yourself or where you need to be distracted. This would be a good time to do something from a list like that. If you don't have one, try to make one up and do some stuff from it now.

You are a highly intelligent young woman, would hate to lose you from this group! Feel free to email me if that will help.Health Question & Answer

i agree with the first person, get a notebook or something, and write everything that your feeling, how your day went, talk about what ever you want that made you feel something. Trust me it really helps with and gets it out of me so i don't feel as pressured inside. i'd say write in it at the end of the day right before you go to sleep so you can say everything that happened that day and go to bed feeling better

also you might want to see a therapist, it may be hard to get to it but it will helpHealth Question & Answer

Dont kill yourself..what helps in these situations for me is to escape from reality by writing short stories..just do something that will take your mind off the pain you feel and eventually it will only be a fleeting memory.

and believe me there is something seriously wrong with those pills prescribed to you..they make you react differently to what you really are and they mess with your emotions

just get a friend and talk to them and if you dont want a friend to talk to..just write..it helps..i knowHealth Question & Answer

Hang on...just hang on.
You can survive this.
You can survive anything.
I know how mental illness is misery, and you feel like it would be better to end it...but it just is not true.
You are STRONG. Your abuser(s) are WEAK. Show them up for what they are by getting through your life with dignity and self respect.
I know you can do this.
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dont be so rude to your self

i hate my life either but this is life
what should i do

just be positive friend

every pain that you felt is just temporary

coz we here is just temporarary

so be strong!!!!!

dont give up

ok,,btw sorry if i've got a wrong english..te-he my english is not very wellHealth Question & Answer

BPD and Ptsd.?.?.?I really don't have idea of what those are.

All I know is that I know how a messed up childhood can affect your life. People in school called me weird, crazy, stupid and retarded.

But still I live just to find out that one day my life will turn around and be perfect.Health Question & Answer

Maybe you should keep a journal and every time you feel like that you should write about it.
It works for me.
Sorry you have so many problems.Health Question & Answer

well first of all call someone, friend, family, crisis hoteline. dont do it ok.? i remember thinking what your thinking, wanting to die i mean. i gave my life to christ and he healed me, and is always helping me through any temptaions or obstacles i face... i was abused too. i had ptsd also...but your going to be okay... God changed me, and worked/works so much in my life. every single day. he can and will do the same for you if you let him, Just trust him that he has a plan for you life, because he does and i bet its great =)
Health Question & Answer

Please don't hurt yourself you are so very precious to your family/friends & they will be guilt-ridden for the rest of their lives. Sounds like you need to change your psychiatrist as what he is doing for you is either not enough or incorrect. also it just seems he is going through the motions be not actually resolving anything. Remember dead is forever and that's a very long time. I'm not paying lip service to your issues, they need attending to immediately get help from another professional. Ask your social worker if they can assist you as you feel your current psychiatrist is not helping you, nor are the medications. PTSD & BPD are no picnic & some people just don't understand. Get help, shout as loud as you can if you need to get the right course of action happening for you, so that you can lead a relatively normal life. Good luck.Health Question & Answer

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