Anyone taking anti depressants and birth control?!

Question: Anyone taking anti depressants and birth control.?
I've taken birth control pills before and they make me crazy. I have a diaphragm now and use spermicide, but the guy I'm dating wants me to take birth control pills too so we don't have to use condoms. I don't like condoms either, so I like the idea of this.

I've been taking prozac since April and recently started taking welbutrin as well. I've never taken an anti-depressant while taking hormonal birth control.

I know that I need to talk to a doctor about this, but I'm just asking about it on here so I can see if it's probably going to be a waste of time, or would be worth going in for.

Has anyone (or their partner) taken a combination of anti-depressants and hormonal birth control, without compromising the effectiveness of either.? Health Question & Answer

i've never taken birth control and an anti-depressant at the same time, but i am going on the pill soon and have been on an anti-depressant for months. my psychologist actually suggested this to me, since i am sexually active and suffer from PMDD, so i don't see any reason that it shouldn't be a good idea. i think you should go for it and ask your doctor. it should probably be fine.Health Question & Answer

I'm taking both currently. It doesn't seem to have any negative effects. I went on Prozac and lost the ability to orgasm but I doubt that has to do with the birth control, it's just a side effect in certain women (I'm sure you know that). I switched to Cymbalta and now I can orgasm just fine. You should certainly talk to your doctor though. It can seem like a waste of time and money but you wouldn't like it if you got some weird disease or got pregnant or something, would you.? Good luck girly!Health Question & Answer

why is it that the men in our lives always want us to take all the risks.? i would just stick to the condoms for awhile before i start messing around with all the hormones from the pill. give yourself a chance to stabilize before you start adding something else into the mix.Health Question & Answer

Anyone taking anti depressants and birth control.?

i would assume that people that are on birth control and thus getting laid are not probably very depressed people.Health Question & Answer

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