I missed to most important years of my life and i dont know to cope with that.?!

Question: I missed to most important years of my life and i dont know to cope with that..?
Over the past few years i have been really sick which has meant me missing A LOT of school. tonight i graduated. class of '08. i realized that i wasn't upset because it was over, i was upset because i had missed it. all those moments that everyone else shared, i did not. instead i attended appointment after appointment. i know that the friends you make in high school more often than not are not kept in touch with, but these people have a huge impact on your life. i on the other hand didn't get the opportunity to bond with these people and vice versa for them to bond with me. so instead of graduating tonight on a positive note, i graduated with no friends to miss or be missed by and the absence of the essential life experiences of high school. all i know is that i don't know how to cope with this. please help.?Health Question & Answer

I did graduate with a few friends and a few "High School" experiences. I thought my life was basically over the day I graduated. Mostly because I just felt lost. But that night, I went to bed and the next day was a new day. I got a job and started meeting new people. I started Jr. College and met even more people and I started to realize that graduating HS wasn't the end of my life. It was the end of a chapter of my life and that I had started a new one. I know that there are some people that keep HS relationships going once they graduate, but the majority of them fade with time. Your life goes in different directions and it's hard sometimes to maintain those relationships. Honestly, I wouldn't worry too much about looking back at what you missed. If I were you, I would be looking forward to all of the exciting things that you can do now that were never possible for you in High School. People are different in the "real world". Most of the time age disappears and your just another adult. You make friends that will last a lifetime. You might possibly find your soul mate in a way you never dreamed. Right now, Sweetie, the world is your oyster! Grab this new chapter by the steering wheel and experience "real life"! I promise you'll be glad that you aren't looking back...if you look back too long, you'll miss what's to come! Life is an adventure and change is a good thing! Good luck and I wish you the best!!!Health Question & Answer

you certainly do latch on to all the negatives of the situation, and I suspect you do this with everything in your life. It is a choice you know, and you don't have to be negative if you don't want to. Suggest you would benefit from seeing a cognitive behavioral therapist and learn some skills for dealing with life. Or you can spend the rest of your life regretting what you didn't do or don't get instead of appreciating fully what you do have and will encounter.Health Question & Answer

high school was overated. i kept hold of my friends who i did and didnt go to school with. they are my brothers for life nad although we live 1600 miles aways from eachother we are always close. Health Question & Answer

make some friendsHealth Question & Answer

Trust me they were/are NOT the most important years of your life.
They are actually the worst. I don't know why the saying is the other way around because almost no-one agrees with it.
(the only good part is having no bills or real responsibilities, which presumably you had and still have just now)

Trust me you missed out on a lot of BS, immaturity, bullying, boredom and game playing.

You missed what you would call a significant event that can't be repeated. But the environment you're talking about CAN and WILL be repeated. Many times. With college, uni, various jobs, travelling, room mates etc..
The only thing is you won't need to put up with people's BS as much. You are better prepared for all things in life.

It's really recent and fresh in your head but you'll start to let it go soon enough, even quicker if you join college or something like that right away. Trust me there are barely any lessons or life experiences in high school besides ones revolving around pathetic boyfriend situations, pregnancy scares, bullying and popularity contests. It's extremely mundane. Hence why most people are desperate to leave...Health Question & Answer

Start living your life TODAY. It is called the PRESENT because its now..you can open it or just look at it. Your high school years were only the guidelines to help for the rest of your life!!! Grow up, move on to your adulthood and be grateful for everyday you have. Meet people, dance, sing, get a better education and most of all LOVE. I am a cancer nurse and my patients, whether 20 or 80 have taught me to never look back. Move forward and be grateful for every thing new you can do, people you can meet and especially every HUG you can give. LIVE!!!!!!!!!Health Question & Answer

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