Best way to get rid of a cold by this weekend!!!! NEED!!!!?

I really need to know the quickest and easiest way to get rid of a cold. Me and my boyfriend are both sick with the usual symptoms (runny/stuffy nose, coughing, body aches, tiredness) and we both really need to get rid of it by this weekend. PLEASE tell me the quickest and easiest way to get rid of one. Either medicines, remedies, anything. Thanks so much

Start taking vitamin C, drink plenty of fluids and try an over the counter medication called Zi-Cam. It helps shorten the duration of a cold. Also, try to get plenty of rest. Hope you feel better.

if you have Jamba Juice, get the biggest cold buster with extra immunity shot. Drink lots of tea, honey and lemon. Also get Zican at the drug store. All of that will hopefully will help. The cold busters are also great tasting. Feel better soon
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