Best foods to eat when sick?

Ok so I have bronchitis as you may have guessed from reading my other questions, and my appeitite is GONE. I've been forcefeeding myself soup, yogurt and orange juice and of course plenty of water. Anything else I can eat to help ensure a speedy recovery? Also, any types of soup I should avoid?

Ugh - sorry!

If you really don't want to bother with food at all, you could try Boost! It's sorta for old people, but it's great if you're having trouble eating. Both the vanilla and chocolate are pretty tasty, too. Can't say much good for the other flavors.

How about popsicles?

Anyway, I hope you feel better!
avoid any soups with the word cream in it. that creates more phlem in your system.
Tea with a dallop of honey :-) The results are miraculous...
Try jello and maybe pudding. Chicken noodle soup can do wonders for a sore throat!
avoid tomato soup. i think the acids from the tomatoes are no help in gettin better. if your sick of orange juice and water drink a sprite or seven up. good luck and get well soon!
sounds like you're on the right track - but avoiding milk products is really important...milk makes our body create mucus...something you're trying to clear up...popcicles...soup without chicken noodle or vegetable...and get lots of rest...hope you feel better soon!!!
If you get sick w/ any kind of respiratory conditions like bronchitis, flu, strep throat, colds, etc. quite may have a condition called celiac sprue disease. It's an auto immune disease caused from an intolerance to wheat or gluten protein. It breaks down the villi in the small intestine and in return causes malnutrition. The body has to try so hard to fight the gluten protein..its defenses let down...causing you to get sick like that.
I use to get bronchitis and strep throat all the time...that was my first clue that I had it. its more common than most people think, and its not the end of the world. Most people have no symtoms at all until much later in life like lupus or diabetes II. Ask for a GI panel to be done to be tested. it usually shows up in colon tests, not Silvia or blood testing. while your sick, try to stay away from things that contain wheat and gluten like breads, noodles, and pre packaged soups.
You may just find it cuts your down time in half...and if it might be on to something.
you should drink some strawberry ensure. It tastes really good. Or you can try vegetable soup its also good. I dont htink rice would be a good idea because the last time i was sick and i ate it, i puked really bad.
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