can u really get sick when taking a shower and the going outside?

If yes why please no sarcastic answers

Taking a hot shower opens the
pores in your skin.
Thus, you need to wait for your
body temperature to return to normal
before venturing out into the cold.
Or, a cold is what you'll get.
when you are cold your immune system is weaker, making you more vulnerable to getting sick
no, it's an old wives tale
Not usually.It is more likely germs that make you sick.But going outside after a shower can give you chills,obviously--and lower your resistance to illnesses.
when you get wet, even though warm, you may get cold, your immune system is weaker when you step out of the shower cause it's a shock to your system, even within 30 minutes or so, you may think you are warm (cause of the shower) but may be mislead, so when you step outside, you are actually making yourself more vulnerable to getting sick because of the contrast.
Yes! If it very cold out you might want to wait about 20 minutes going out side.
I've heard alot of really educated people say no -virus's cause colds not cold weather..but the cold makes your nose run and can mess up your throat so I'm not too sure.Also people who are extreme germaphobes say that its best to be in the cold because it kills virus's.-thats why letterman keeps his studio cold and just to mention another germ-freak is andrew dice clay-thats why he wears gloves all the time.
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