How do i get rid of ingrown toenails?!

Question: How do i get rid of ingrown toenails.?
i've always suffered with them but lately it's been worse.
while i was pregnant i got two. one i got out myself and the other after i had my daughter i went to the ER because i couldn't even walk it was so bad. well now that same one grew back and it's doing it again...and to make it worse i have a new one! i try to let my nails grow out but before they can grow out they're already ingrown. it's my big toes that i have most difficulties with.
what's a good way to get rid of them without going to the doctor.?
i found it a waste of time and paiiinnnful!Health Question & Answer

I had it.
and I used to do the same thing as the guy above me.

So I tried something different,
I let my toenails grow out.
and I moisturized daily.

It works.
Just gotta keep they filed and neat.
But NEVER cut them too short.
seriously, it hurts like hell.Health Question & Answer

I use to have the same problem too.. Both me & my sister.. Well I had to get a minor surgery done on it (at the doctor's office).. It wasn't as bad (expect for the needle he stuck in my big toe).. But after that my ingrowns toe nails don't get as bad.. Not to the point where I can't walk.. I would suggest to have it operated, it's not that bad.. You'll have this special shoe you'll wear for about a week but it will definately be worth it.. I personally know how painful ingrown toe nails can beHealth Question & Answer

Mkay i have this problem too. First, you MUST cut it out where it is ingrown. Cut it as short as you can. My doctor told me to put a piece of string/thread or something inbetween the space, so when it grows back it will grow in a different direction, and then problem solved!

Good luck!Health Question & Answer

well guess if you want to keep them away keep your tonails cut short or file them everydayHealth Question & Answer

Oh man I have the same problem!! My big toenails have a side that grows into the right a bit on my left foot and to the left on my right, if you could follow that lol. I always peel back the skin and clip the toenail down farther so it stops growing into my skin. Now this hurts!! Then I'll get relief for like a week or two, but once I cut it that way it'll grow back the same way. At this point I just do this every few weeks.. It's a hassle, but mine always feel better after.
Good luck, I'm sorry we are in the same boat.Health Question & Answer

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