How does a person flush out marijuana from his or her system?!

Question: How does a person flush out marijuana from his or her system.?
Hypothetically speaking, if a person has a drug test 3-4 days after smoking one tightly packed joint, what are the possible ways to get the THC out of your system.? And if its impossible, what are the ways to nullify the urine test.? Are there any cheats.?Health Question & Answer

Charcoal pills. You can get them from GNC. I've heard you can dip your finger in bleach & then dip it in your urine, not sure though.Health Question & Answer

you can't.

there are "medicines" sold at some novelty shops that claim to get it out of your system, but none of them are guaranteed and none are 100% positive. in fact, they usually don't work at all.

you can't nullify the urine test either. some places require you to "go" in front of the person running the test to be sure you aren't cheating, others give you a cup and let you go into the bathroom alone, but wait outside the door to be sure you aren't cheating. And don't think of using a bag of someone else's urine. i know a guy who tried it and the bag leaked so he had someone else's pee all over his clothes....also, most drug testing places will measure the temperature to be sure it actually is yours...

the only way to clear it is to wait 30 days for it to get out on its own.

of course, if they do a hair strand test, it can track drug use for years depending on the length of your hair. why do you think britney shaved her head.?.? /:)Health Question & Answer

One tightly-packed joint.... that's a new one. And no, there is not a damn solution except planning ahead next time. Don't waste your money on detox kits, on vitamin B-12, on vinegar, on frickin' wheat grass shots, you're screwed and should've planned ahead. My bad being blunt, but this question is asked a million frickin' times a day and people need to find the damn Search button.Health Question & Answer

My ex used to smoke a lot, he was a fisherman and had to take a test before each trip. He would drink liquid chlorophyl mixed with a little water in the week before a trip and passed every test.
He got it from a health store.Health Question & Answer

don't smoke pot 3-4 days before your drug test.Health Question & Answer

time and alot of acid, so orange juice.
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