Blood in vomit after drinking?!

Question: Blood in vomit after drinking.?
Hi, Im an alcoholic, i drink every night and i also smoke (5-10 a day) im also asthmatic.
Two days ago while i was drinking i was sick, there was a lot of blood in my vomit.
I felt fine and i still feel fine now, but i've not drank for two nights and im starting to get shakey and cold sweats from not drinking. I need a drink. Will it be safe to drink again now.? i've only got a bottle of vodka and about 10 cans of lager in the house - will that make anything that might be wrong with me worse.?

Joan.Health Question & Answer

As a recovered alcoholic for two years thanks to AA, and an ex medical rep, I'll put this very simply, you more than likely have an ulcer have untold liver damage and if you don't stop drinking soon you will most certainly die.

That's the bad news, now here's the good news, I drank for fifty years and now my liver is back to normal, but my wife was not so lucky and died at the age of 50 from liver failure.

Admitting your an alcoholic is the first step of the 12 step recovery program, the 12th step I'm doing by trying to help you, only ten more steps left, you can Email me, but better still go to an AA meeting,
you will find one close to where you live on my site, you will meet people there EXACTLY the same as you.Health Question & Answer

Joan you have a huge problem here. More than likely you have one of three things going on and none of them are good.

1. Esophageal varices - this can kill you.
2. Esophageal tear - very serious.
3. Gastric Ulcers, less serious but still a problem.

No it is not safe to drink. Instead you need to see a gastroenterologist as soon as possible to rule out esophageal varices.

Absolutely under no circumstance should you drink till you see your doctor.Health Question & Answer

You need to get help. You started to vomit blood because you have damaged your esophagus and stomach lining. I'd tell you to not have more than 1 drink per night, but since you are an addict, you must refrain from ever touching another drop. Drink tonic water with a lime (virgin vodka tonic). I'm sorry you've put yourself in this position. My Dad has ulcers from drinking too much. He's a recovering alcoholic and has been in AA for 5 years.Health Question & Answer

Honestly and bluntly, it sounds like you are working on an ulcer there. If you do not follow this up with a doctor immediately and have a bleeding ulcer you could actually bleed out the next time you vomit. The fact that you are an alcoholic and an asthmatic are definitely factors that are working against you right now, you need immedate medical attention. Get yourself to an ER now and get yourself well again. Good luck!Health Question & Answer

I assume that it wasn't because you were drinking anything red. I remember a few people from college days who had some red drinks, and when they got sick, it wasn't pretty.

I'm no doctor, but it's possible that you could have a bleeding ulcer. You need to go to a doctor and get it checked out. And this can be your wakeup call to think about quitting, too.
Health Question & Answer

i've had an ulcer and it's painful you would know after a while if you had one like a couple of other serious comments here i would definitely seek medical attention for this better to be safe than sorry it might be nothing but are you willing to take the chance and just forget about it get it checked out joan.Health Question & Answer

PLEASE JOAN for your health's sake don't drink another drop of alcohol til you see your G P . Emergency appointment or go to accident and emergency . This needs to be dealt with immediately. Good Luck.LOLHealth Question & Answer

CAN YOU SAY LIVER TRANSPLANT.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?also ARE YOU MENTALY CHALLENGED.?.?.?.?DIDIDIDIHealth Question & Answer

I would up your smokes. 5-10 a day is nowhere near enough for a woman in your condition.Health Question & Answer

Go to AA meetings alkiHealth Question & Answer

In addition to what Tim said, you need to see a doc to help you withdraw from alcohol, because cold turkey is simply not an option for you. YOu need to stop drinking so that the docs can repair the damage, if possible. If you do have esophageal varices, you are in big trouble- big liver damage, possibly liver failure.
Same is true for an esophageal tear- Tim's absolutely correct about that being big trouble. You could also have a gastic tear from vomiting, or various ulcers developing.
The important thing for the moment is to stop drinking under the guidance of a doctor to mitigate the worst physical side effects til you are detoxed. Even if you start drinking again after getting your doc to tell you exactly what is happening, right now, you need to stop and find out what is wrong.
I understand that you are an alcoholic, and appreciate your candor in asking this question.
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