What are some practical side-effects that LSD can have on the body from one hit?!

Question: What are some practical side-effects that LSD can have on the body from one hit.?
I've heard all about the euphoria, i just want to know about what bad things could go wrong.

i'm not talking about stuff like,
You drive around while you trip and you crash and die, or
You kill yourself because there was an evil clown chasing you.
Let's keep it intellectual and informative.
For the record, i'm not gonna try it.
I just wanna know if i should talk my friend out of it or not.

Merci!Health Question & Answer

Acid is the most researched drug out there, and it's actually relatively safe. You cannot overdose on it, its not addictive, and it won't do any physical harm to your body.

Quoted from Erowid:

LSD is likely to cause a sort of undefinable feeling similar to anticipation or anxiety. There is often a slight feeling of energy in the body, an extra twinkle to lights, or the feeling that things are somehow different than usual. As the effects become stronger, a wide variety of perceptual changes may occur; non-specific mental and physical stimulation, pupil dilation, closed and open eye patterning and visuals, changed thought patterns, feelings of insight, confusion, or paranoia, and quickly changing emotions (happiness, fear, gidiness, anxiety, anger, joy, irritation)

LSD can precipitate strong, temporary changes in an individual's experience of life and reality. Even in low doses, it is a powerful psychoactive that can be significantly affected by experiences, set and setting. Recent experiences, especially strong ones, can have a substantial effect on a trip. Physically or psychologically unsettling events in the days before an LSD trip can blossom into more serious distress and trauma while tripping.

It is important to be prepared for the possibility of encountering difficult or frightening mental states. There are many ways of minimizing possible dangers and trauma: by making sure to have others around for first time or high dose experiences, choosing carefully when and where to use a substance, taking a little time to prepare mentally for an experience with LSD by relaxing, having an intent for the experience, or by incorporating comforting and calming ritual into the preparation (clean the house, adjust the lighting, choose music that will go with the sort of experience you're looking for,etc) Using a 'sitter', a sober friend who's job it is to watch out for you while you're tripping can go a long way toward easing anxiety and ensuring that someone will be able to deal with any situation that might arise. It's amazing how confusing a ringing phone or a cop at the door can be if you're on LSD.Health Question & Answer

There are no real known negative side-effects of LSD, especially from just one hit. This is most likely related the the extremely tiny amounts of LSD that are psychoactive. The average hit is about 150 micrograms. That's 0.00015g. There are certain cases in which people have claimed to have permanent visual "tracers" (a streak behind an object when it moves in your field of view) however this has never been proven and only happens through heavy prolonged use. also, people I have seen that have this, say it doesn't bother them at all. That's about it though. Unless you would add the fact that you can have a bad trip and freak out. However, this is very uncommon at small doses and will not produce any long term effects.Health Question & Answer

Mike H is exactly right.. <3 erowid :)

Thats also true at the end about answering phones. I once had to call a taxi 3hours into my trip (which is roughly just after the peak as come into effect) And i had IMMENSE difficulty trying to gets my words out and remember why and who i was calling, not to mention not knowing the suburb i was in lol.. i got the weirdest vibe from the operator =)Health Question & Answer

You'll see Joseph Smith.

Oh wait, you said LSD and not LDS.

I never took the stuff but I was present when a friend took a half a hit. He would have walked out into traffic if I hadn't been around to stop him.Health Question & Answer

Just try acid yourself.Health Question & Answer

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