When do you start going for Pap smear tests? (cervical cancer tests)?!

Question: When do you start going for Pap smear tests.? (cervical cancer tests).?

Im 20 been sexually active since i was 14 (with the same guy) and had my period since i was 11. ive heard that you are meant to start seeing a Gyno either when you start your period or when you start having sex, so about 2months ago i was having pain during sex so i brought it up with my doctor (im in England BTW) and she said that there's no such thing as a Gyno here and that Pap smear tests are preformed by your normal doctor and that i don't need them till i turn 25! this sounds very wrong to me (especially since i went to her with PAIN problem) she did NOTHING. is she right.? the pain has gone almost 100% but it could have been more serious couldn't it, should i change doctor or is the next one going to tell me the same thing.?
also i know this is a little different & embarrassing but i want to ask or ill never know. Can having a sexual partner with a larger than average penis, 9inches and i think women are meant to be only 5inches in depth so this confuses me to begin with.? (but that causes pain during sex also sometimes because of its length, it feels like it hitting a wall at the top of my vagina sometimes and hurts is this normal.?) but can this also help cause cervical cancer.? (sorry if this is stupid, my doctor is horrible and i could no way ask her and im curious)
thank you Health Question & Answer

Women should start going in for their yearly exam when they become sexually active or when they turn 20, whichever comes first so you should definitely be making an appointment.

Your doctor is an idiot. It's true that you do not need to see an OB/GYN for these exams and that your family doctor can do it, but it's definitely not true that you should wait until you are 25. I would find another doctor if I were you. I have been going for my yearly exams since I was 18 (I'm now 23).

It is possible that a guy can have a penis long enough to hit the cervix and it can hurt or feel uncomfortable. I'm pretty sure that doesn't cause cervical cancer though! I don't know why a penis (which is covered with skin) touching your cervix would cause cancer. HPV (which is an STD) can cause cervical cancer though.

Anyway, find a new doctor and ask for a pap test.Health Question & Answer

Your doctor is WAYYYY wrong! You should start having pap smears when you turn 18 or become sexually active. The cells in your vagina transform and if you get HPV while they are transforming, that is what causes cervical cancer. These cells are done transforming in your mid 20's, so 25 is way too late. You should be getting them much sooner.Health Question & Answer

You should have been having Pap smears as soon as you became sexually active. See another doctor.
I've not heard of a large penis causing cervical cancer, but it can cause discomfort for you.Health Question & Answer

You should start getting paps yearly once you become sexully active, or at age 18; whichever comes first. You doctor is wrong.Health Question & Answer

Since you are sexually active and have had more than one period than you should have a pap test. Health Question & Answer

You should definitely be getting pap smears and std tests regularly.Health Question & Answer

You def need to find a new doctor!! Women need PAP test starting when you turn 18 or two years after you become sexually active (whichever comes first.) Your doctor is very wrong in telling you otherwise. So, for the sake of your health, find another doctor (ask friends about their docs and whether or not they like them.) Best of luck!Health Question & Answer

I was raised with the knowledge that when you became sexually active you needed to have regular pap smears, but then I am sure a Virgin what at some time need to have one. Sorry not much help there, but as far as having a pap smear, family planning clinics, GP's should be able to perform this just find one that you are comfortable with, ask him to do breast and abdominal examination to rule out other thing like cysts, I used to when I was much younger have pain when in a certain sexual position, and that was because I had cysts, but you really should get seen to, oh and as far as the "big boy" we adjust accordinglyHealth Question & Answer

In the US, girls start seeing a gyn when they become sexually active or around 20, if not active. Pap smears are a routine exam done on every woman seeing a doctor. Your doctor should have run the exam on you. I would try to see another doctor. You could try asking your insurance provider for the name of another doctor. Maybe you could search the internet for a gyn type of doctor near you or even an obstetrics doctor. I have personally known three girls to have cervical cancer before the age of 25 that would be dead had it not been for cancer screening.

As far as the painful sex, your vagina is very flexible, but it sounds like he is hitting the cervix when having sex. He needs to not push in so hard. I know that might be hard to explain to him, but he is actually hurting you with his length. You might try reaching down and holding the base of his penis during sex to shorten the push. I don't think that would cause cancer.Health Question & Answer

Testing should begin 3 years after you are sexually active.
But no later then when you are 21.
I would get the HPV needle also :)
Once you've had normal pap tests for 3 years in a row
you can extend the tests to once every 2/3 years.

Get a new doctor btw. she probably just wants your money.
Yes i think anything really can cause cervical cancer but this can
make your rates higher. And pap tests can find cervical cancer in earlier stages so you can treat it and have a better survival rate :)
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