is the disabality known as Attention Defficite Hyperactive disorder is cure able!

Question: what are the cure and remedies or which are the madecine available and with what percentage of secsess rate and side effects of such madecine s
My son has ADHD and so does my husband. My son was on Ritalin and we didn't have any luck, He is 18 now and hasn't been on meds sice age 13. he has a lot of anger and frustration issues but he self medicates with Skateboarding. He says it helps him to escape and slow his brain down. And get rid of his aggression. My husband is on Strattera and Except for having a daily throw up session he says it helps him to concentrate and focus on his job.

Other Answers:
Lots of medicenes are given to help ease the symptoms ..most kids just grow out of it. I personally think this is just a label they put on kids so they can keep them medicated when they get out of line. For the children who really have the disease I feel sorry for them because they get grouped in with the trouble makers. Discipline would be a better answer for most children than medication.
ADHD is probably not curable in the sense that you take medicine and it goes away, but it is treatable with therapy, exercises, and/or medications.You need to see a psychologist or psychiatrist to be properly diagnosed. There are many medications, and you will probably be able to find one that works. But you should also explore non-medical interventions, as all medicines have limitations.
I had ad/hd as a child and at first they started giving me ritalin which really helped me to concentrate and do things that were important but then a bit later on the started giving me dexadrine which works a bit better and then finally i was taking slow release dexrine that you take in the mourning and then it slowly kicks in throughout the day.
No ADHD isnt curable, but can be managed. You can control it with ritalin or other meds. but it cant be cured. Like ADD, It can be worked on and dealt with. MY best advice, if you or anyone you know has ADHD consult your doctor, or stay on the meds, they help.
It is not curable. Some people grow out of it. It is treatable with drugs but the available drugs can be dangerous. Heart attacks, suicidal tendencies, and psychotic actions can result in some people. ADHD can also be controlled, in some cases, with physical activity.

Many children end up being placed on these drugs unnecessarily by a process that begins with a grumpy teacher at school and works its way through school counselors, school psychologists, and county psychiatrists. Make sure that you or your child are not put on these drugs as a result of a process that is started in school. Have testing done by an independent clinical psychiatrist who is not associated with the school.

ADHD is recognized by the Americans With Disabilities Act as a disability and students with ADHD are entitled to intervention by the school and a specialized educational program to help them get an education. This may include two P.E. classes per day, tutoring, and counseling, and/or a number of other things. Money is an issue and schools will not normally tell you all of the things that are available so, you have to find out on your own.

Do not let the school diagnose you or your child.


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