Is rh negative and O- the same thing in blood types? if not what is the differen!


yes- they mean the same. Blood is either Rh - or Rh+

Other Answers:

no im rh negative and i have AB negative (rare)

yes same thing.
i am o- so i know this

Rh refers to a protein that is either on your blood cells(+) or not (-). A person can be anyone of these blood types A+ A- AB+ AB- O+ or O-
me-jr in biology

The O is the type of blood you have. The negative is the RH factor. Ex. If you are O- you are a universal donor. If O+ you are a universal receiver. O- can only receive blood from a O- person, but can donate to anyone
O- person

RH negative is not a blood type. It's just the negative factor of blood. Like if a person is O-, they have the RH negative factor. People with O+ blood have a positive RH factor. It doesn't mean anything good or bad, it just tells you what type of blood you will need if you ever need a transfusion.

no it isn't rh is a type of blood that only a people have the O- is a normal blood type.

Rh- means there is no Rhesus factor present on the red blood cell. Blood type designates the antigen type present on the blood cell.

PS AB+ is the universal receiver, no O+.

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