what are the chances of reoccurring seizures after having a first one?!


I am not even going to attempt to go into the MANY reasons that you shouldn't ask a question like this online, and these so called expert answers are just as bad. You are putting yourself in great danger expecting anyone to know the answer to such an obtuse question, much less considering one of these answers as a 'BEST' answer.

Do you ,in any way, grasp my meaning, harsh as it is? Please consult your neurologist. If you've had seizures, this is the kind of doctor needed. I hit on your question because I had a feeling about this. Don't take it personally, either. Nearly every medical question on this site appears to be open game This is not a catagory to be taken lightly.I have just come from resolved medical questions, and I become more and more appalled at the thought of people even imagining that this is the place to be giving and getting medical advise from anyone other than professionals, especially with no information provided. Even then, there has to be much care and thought given to answering even the simplist of concerns.

I say these things because I do care. I care everyday, but stay well within my expertise, not ever going outside my realm of knowledge. In medicine or anything else. I hope you will heed my warnings.

I wish you well.

I do realize that most people only want to help, but this is not the catagory to lend help.

Other Answers:
i think pretty good.

they usually happen more than once, very rare to just have one. You could have a spell of them though then never suffer again. My friend had a spell of small seizures lasting a couple of months and has never had one since.

It all depends upon what caused the first seizure. If you don't know the cause of the first one, and it seemed to happen for no apparent reason, then there may be a good chance of it reoccuring. You (or the person you are asking about) should discuss this with a doctor.

Well I am not real sure but I think it depends on maybe why you had a seizure. My dad had one about 8 years ago and they said it was because of a hard lick on the head when he was younger and he has never had another one. I have also heard that once you have had one you will be on medicine for the rest of your life. I am sorry I can't give better reply but thought I would just share that bit of info.

There are so many kinds of seizures that neurologists who specialize in epilepsy are still updating their thinking about how to classify them. Usually, they classify seizures into two types, primary generalized seizures and partial seizures. The difference between these types is in how they begin. What kind of seizure are you referring to? Maybe the sites below will help.

I am glad that you are interested in an answer, but this question is really to broad.

There are many different causes for seizures. It is common for people to have seizures when their temperature becomes to high called febrile seizures.

There are seizures caused by medications such as wellbutrin. There are seizures caused by a brain injury. Seizures could be caused by a tumor. Finally, there is epilepsy which is a condition in the brain that actually causes the rapid firing of signals and causes many different types of seizures.

I separated the causes for a reason. The first one is benign (doesn't causes problems) the second group are possible causes that do lead to future seizures if left untreated. In fact there is a type of seizure called staticus epilepticus which is a state of constant seizing (only in epileptics and people with brain tumors).

I hope this helps. See your primary doctor to determine what caused your seizure and what type that you have.

Some people, like myself, have developed epilepsy. Others like my friend had one over 30 years ago due to a high fever and never had another one. Then there are seizures that you just have weird feelings inside. You never really know until it happens.

You probably will. Sorry to give you bad news.

If you have had a seizure, it is really important to see a doctor. There are things worse than epilepsy. You need to make sure you don't have a brain tumor or something awful like that, because there are other causes of seizures.

And if you had a grand mal seizure, you might also be having petit mal seizures and not know it. I did. Check out the Epilepsy Foundation's website. They have some great information that will help you to understand seizures better. It really helped me to understand my seizures and to recognize the smaller ones (since they can happen without anyone noticing). But most important, see a neurologist if you haven't already.

I know what it feels like to have a seizure, and to wonder if you will end up having another one. My first seizure was when I was 29. It is an awful feeling to learn that you may have something that is incurable, and will have to medicate for the rest of your life. I still hate having to take medicine every day, and I still wonder if the medicine will really make any difference. But I am SO VERY glad that it isn't something worse. At least I don't have cancer. At least I'm not dying. And if I do die, God is with me and will never forsake me.

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