Has anyone used SK-II? Did you get allergic reactions? How did you get rid of it!

I recently bought a bottle of SK-II Treatment Essence, but after using it for two nights, I've developed little bumps (or spots) all over my face. They're much smaller than pimples and it's not acne. It's not itchy either. Anyway, any suggestions on how I can get my skin back to normal?
Stop using the product.You could try Benadryl,however your body will adjust on it's own.It takes a little time.You might try contacting a dermatologist about the reaction.

Other Answers:
Some people are innately sensitive to certain chemicals/essences. Its better to go back to the place where you bought the product, and check with the people there.

No , Its a allgeric reaction due to the cream and to your body.

From what i know i can tell you that there is a possible that is due to the tiny holes on your skin. The SK-11 instead of maybbe not pretreating into your skin but maybe has clog the ting holes on your skin. THese holes located on your skin is to remove sweat and heat from your body. ANother possiblity is that you are allgeric to it,but maybe not as its not itchy, I would advice You to NOT ASK THIS QUESTION HERE,

BUt However ,Approach A skin Specialist ASAP or Call the Sk-11 HotLine and make a inquiry about their Product.
Do it ASAP.

Take Care.

Those are whiteheads. You might have naturally oily skin, and so that stuff was too 'oily' for you, and caused the reaction of your sebaceous glands. I guess it is designed for people with dry skin Use something that's for oily skin.

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