What is the easiest way to remove male pubic hair?!

I've tried shaving, and that is just painful.. What other options are there?
(Female opinion) I think your best bet is one of two things:

1) The depilatory, like Nair - if you don't exceed the time on the bottle, you should be fine. Just make sure you get the one made for the "bikini area." It's designed for more sensitive skin in that area.

2) IF you need to use something with a blade, shaving should work, with plenty of shaving cream, and at the end of the shower, like a previous poster said. However, I would also add that if you have a LOT of hair, or very LONG hair, try trimming it first with small scissors (or have your honey do it for you) before shaving. Will ultimately be simpler.

All of that said, most people who will be seeing that area don't mind guys having pubic hair, but if you want it off, those are my suggestions. My most recent bf tried this a few weeks ago and it grew back very fast and was prickly, so I would have preferred that he just trim it with scissors if anything. But it's his body.

oh, and a previous boyfriend used to just trim it around the base of you know what (and leave the rest), to make a certain act easier on me. I didn't ask him to - it was his idea - but it did help. :^)

Other Answers:
Why would you want to do that? I wouldn't shave for a chance to sleep with Anna Kournikova.

have your girlfriend do it for you **wink*

If you think shaving is painful.try waxing then! OUCH! Use alot of shaving cream and it shouldn't hurt!

Cutting with a scissors is painful too. ??

waxing hehe, just kidding.

try dipilitory..lol (nair) comes right off I heard.


Depilatory creams are the least painful. It smells pretty bad though. You just put it on and let it sit for a few minutes and then wipe the hair off. It basically dissolves the hair but the root is still there so it does grow back pretty fast.

With a weed eater..Its quick and relatively easy.Lie still while doing this tho'

why would shaving be painful? perhaps you need some tips on shaving..do it in the shower and make sure you try to do it at the end of the shower so your pores are open.make sure to use shaving cream and a sharp razor (dont use a dull one that would hurt)

Just use electric clippers for a close trim. Shaving can cause ingrown hairs and there's alway the chance of nicking the skin.

dilute nair hair remover about 10 to 1 try it very carefully on your arm first the skin in your privet area is much more sensitive why? try after shave lotion to remove the burning somewhat most girls like public hair

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