What is the point of being circumsized?!

Question: What is the point of being circumsized.?
And which do you perfer.?Health Question & Answer

The main reason for circumcision is religion.. In Judaism and Islam it is an important ritual..
Sometimes circumcision is required for medical reasons, but that should be only as a last resort, and should not be routine, as there are virtually no medical benefits to the procedure..
I'm not circumcised and I'm glad I wasn't...... My foreskin is a natural and important part of my penis, with many protective, sexual and sensory functions that I wouldn't want to lose..

edit: to Bobby who asked about a cancer issue: Penile cancer is such a rare disease (affecting 1 per 100,000) that it is not enough to justify routine circumcision.. Every major health organization agrees on that..Health Question & Answer

people think it is cleaner, but really, it is not, that is only a lie many American doctors tell their patients.. the doctors in America are the only ones who perform the operation for non religious reasons because they make more money..

i prefer uncircumcised

doctors in European countries, Australia and Canada typically don't even perform the surgery anymore, its banned in a lot of hospitals in AustraliaHealth Question & Answer

There's no good medical reason in most cases.. Many are done for religious reasons, many are done out of "tradition," or for aesthetics (though the only reason some people, mostly in the US, think the uncircumcised penis looks strange is because they aren't used to seeing one).. In some cases, medical conditions require the foreskin to be removed..

The answer the mentions cancer is correct that some studies have shown the slightest correlation between intact penises and penile cancer but the sample size in such studies (due to the rarity of penile cancer) is so small as to make the studies worthless without significantly more research being done..

I prefer uncircumcised penises as the foreskin contains MILES of nerve endings that increase the erotic pleasure of sexual activity for intact males as well as protect the glans of the penis which maintains it's sensitivity (rubbing up against underwear all day, desensitizes the glans of a circumcised penis, and increases the risk of erectile dysfunction later in life).. At the very least I think parents should leave their infant sons intact and allow the child to make the decision for themselves when they reach adulthood.. While I'm sympathetic to circumcisions done for religious reasons, not religious infant circumcisions are (in my opinion) unfairly subjecting the boy to unnecessary permanent body modification without his permission..Health Question & Answer

Well I'm not circumcised and I love my foreskin so I'm probably biased towards not being circumcised! :)

I've always heard that circumcised penises were way less sensitive because the head is always exposed.. I take a shower every day and my penis is always clean, I've never had any complaints from my girl about it, the foreskin makes it much easier to masturbate because I can jerk off without lube unlike cut guys, and I honestly think that mine is slightly bigger because the skin wasn't cut off of it.. So I kind of feel sorry for guys that were circumcised at birth because they never knew what they were missing..

The only benefit to circumcision is for guys that have had rare medical problems with their foreskin like phimosis, guys who don't like to wash themselves and end up smelly down there or Jewish guys that are required to be circumcised for their religion.. Those guys are probably better off circumcised, but the rest of us are not.. A lot of girls (American girls) say they prefer the look of a circumcised penis but most girls in Europe prefer natural penises, so it all comes down to asthetics.. I also feel lucky that I always have the choice of which way I want to be when circumcised guys don't..Health Question & Answer

I have read several times, that women whose partners were circumcised have less incidence of cervical or other cancers of that nature.. There is also a cleanliness issure for the male.. To those who say there is no point, what about the cancer isssue.? Is it untrue.?.?Health Question & Answer

There is no good reason to be circumcised.. The circumcised penis robs the woman of sexual pleasure.. The intact foreskin also gives the woman something else to play with..Health Question & Answer

Uncircumcised or circumcised doesnt really matter.. Just as long as a guy knows how to use what he's got, he'll be fine!
lolHealth Question & Answer

It leaves males without their point..Health Question & Answer

I'm actually learning stuff from these answers.. =)Health Question & Answer

it doesn't give you cancer RETARD!!Health Question & Answer

it is cleaner to get it done...... looks better tooHealth Question & Answer

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