"Bulge" near the middle of penis when erect?!

Question: "Bulge" near the middle of penis when erect.?
Okay this is a particularly embarrassing one.. When My penis is erect, I get like a slgiht bulge in the middles, where it's noticably thicker than the rest of my penis......

Is this...... normal.? Is it fixable.? is it even a problem.?Health Question & Answer

That is normal dude..
Some penises are thicker at the bottom, some at the middle, and some have big heads..
Is caused by tissue being thicker in that part..
You can operate, but only if it hurts while having sex..
Sometimes blood fills the caverns unevenly.. If there's more blood on the left, (i..e.. the penis is "fuller" on the left) the penis will curve to the right.. Reasons for uneven filling can range from differences in development between the sides (or top and bottom), or from injury and scar tissue formation under the skin.. If the condition appears suddenly, or causes pain, or if the curve is severe, then you should see a doctor.. To prevent injury, never bend or strike an erect penis - yeah, you can "break" it..Health Question & Answer

Only you know if it's a problem.. No penis is exactly like the other............if you're not worried about it medically speaking and it's not a problem and looks ok, then what's the issue.?Health Question & Answer

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