A month into lifting weights: I feel "better", is this progress?!

Question: A month into lifting weights: I feel "better", is this progress.?
I have been going to the gym for a month now..

I have been lifting (and sticking to it, keeping track of my progress), and I've noticed I "feel" better (I certantly don't look better though :( ).. I feel as if a new energy has hit me or something..

Am I right to say that this is some sort of "progress".? Because my main goal right now is fat loss.. I lift weights and do cardio.. I go 5 times a week, 3 of them involve weight lifting+cardio, 2 are solely cardio..

Off topic question: Is it normal that some muscles progress better.? I seem to increase weight on my legs and back MUCH faster than my chest and arms..Health Question & Answer

sounds normal to me.. exercise releases endorphines into your system, hence, the 'feeling good'..

It takes time to convert fat into muscle, so if you've only been at it for a month, you won't see much difference.. Another couple of weeks, and you may see visible differences..

jAlong with your workouts, you need to pay attention to diet.. Eat only the number of calories for what you want to weigh; there's sites out there that can give you those numbers.. And spread your meals out over five small ones instead of three meals.. This teaches your body to burn fat all day.. Lastly, drink lots of water; not sports drinks, not tea, not soda.. Water.. 32 oz between 9 and 10:30 in the morning and another 32 oz between 2 and 3:30 in the afternoon..Health Question & Answer

I went through the same thing when i started jogging 5 days a week, after a while I found that I felt better the rest of the day and even felt like it was easier to breathe! I live at a high altitude though so that may be a regional thing.. It's just an indication of your overall physical fitness..

As for the different muscles, your leg muscles are stronger than your upper body and arm muscles naturally, if I'm not mistaken..Health Question & Answer

This is normal, and definitely a sign of progress..

My observations are that you feel it after the first month (sticking to it, of course).. You personally notice it after 3 months.. People start really complimenting you after 4-6 months..

And your routine sounds perfect.. When I started a fitness program, I weighed 270 (5'9"), doing roughly what you're doing now.. Thirteen months later, I weighed 160, and had lost 22 inches on my waist and kept them off..Health Question & Answer

yeah someway you are building up strength then u lose everything.. my mom is doing the same thing ur doing now and shes looking betterHealth Question & Answer

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