How do i become more toned and have a "6 pack" over the summer?!

Question: How do i become more toned and have a "6 pack" over the summer.?
i no it is not possible to get a "6 pack" in a week or month but I'm looking for advise on how to become more toned and "muscly" in a short period of time.. I need advice on my diet aswell

Note: Any stupid answers like "go to the local liqueur store............" I'm talking about abs not pepsi or beer.............. Abs
im not going to take any protien shakes etc..

any suggestions.........? Thank You!!!!Health Question & Answer

I can give you a few suggestions..

Crunches are good for abs.. When you have built up some then hang by your knees from a bar and do crunches in that position.. Massive abs will result..

Now you also gotta get the fat off the abs so they show so you will need to do some cardio........runnin, ridin bike, swimmin......stuff like that..

As to diet (and what's wrong with protein shakes......they are extremely good for packin on muscle) but you gotta eat right for sure.. Lots of protein.. No fast foods.. No junk foods..

Do some workin out with heavy weights to pack on muscle..Health Question & Answer

Dieting wise, I would suggest making sure you eat breakfast every morning once you wake up.. Just a bowl of oatmeal, cereal with fiber, whatever you want.. It kick starts the metabolism, not to mention is a good habit..

Then I would just use common sense when you're eating, ditch the sodas and drink as much water as you see fit.. Milk is good too.. I would look in to Whey protein (very basic) as just a supplement.. I personally have just started having one with my normal breakfast and think its a good move..

Exercises, I'm not a fan of situps/crunches not because I'm lazy but because they cause me problems in my back.. I stick to Pull-ups/chin-ups and push ups.. Pullups and chinups work the abs as well as your entire body as you'll notice when your abs are weaker that your legs with swing out forward.. As you get stronger, you can do them straight up and down and with a little more pop..

One last thing, if you need to lose fat over your abs, run and/or jump rope/ do any cardio activities as low body fat is the key to having a six pack..Health Question & Answer

dont waste your time on situps, crunchs are better and diet and exercise is alot better like for example, running like for an hour everyday will boost you up muscle wise, because the less fat on your body the better your abs show, also a tan makes you look more muscular, diet:fruit and veg.. .. ..alot of it ,wheats and oats for the energy also wrap sellophane around your body when you run to make you sweat the fat out more this process should take from 2-3 monthsHealth Question & Answer

PT........good for you..........good for me..~Lol

The best psyichal training and the most fun for me has been sex.. And I wouldn't say sit ups.. They work too slow for me..
But if you have a pull up bar or a park around you should do knee ups.. or sit on your butt.. hold yourself up with your hands like you are sitting on a public toilet to take a dump (lol) and pull your knees to your chest..and do tiny crunches to get the top and sides right.. but that s*** takes time.. So don't be surprised if your not ready.. And another fun thing to do is swim.. If you got a swimming pool do that.. Gets the whole body tone..

The general rule is if you getting something wet your doing something right..

Pu$$y, swimming and knee ups..

And i'm in the Air Force I know about all three.. one a litte bit too well.. And it ryhmes with tree cups..~lolHealth Question & Answer

umm, lots of situps or crunches might work.... i'm 13.... and i have a 6 pack.... idk really how i got it.... it was just BOOM i had one.? hahaHealth Question & Answer

Lots and lots of sit ups, with weights on your chest..

Just make sure you do some back exercises so you don't get screwed up there....Health Question & Answer

why wont you take protein shakes.? its not steroidsHealth Question & Answer

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