Normal amount of time a day for a guy to spend scratching his junk?!

Question: Normal amount of time a day for a guy to spend scratching his junk.?
My boyfriend has constantly got his hand in his pants.. Not masturbating or anything.. I don't think he's always just scratching though, like, he holds it ...... or plays...... I always tell him to quit it.. His mom says 'jokingly' that he's been doing it since he was a kid.. I've heard it's normal for young boys to do this..........

How much tim do you spend HONESTLY touching your junk a day.. If you live alone, or with a partner/roomate.. And why do you do it.? Itchy, feels good.? making sure it's not falling off.? PLEASE help me understand this!Health Question & Answer

In all honesty, this is a very, VERY basic self re-assurance behavior.. It sounds like your guy touches himself more than the average man.. There might be some underlying issues that he hasn't dealt with, and I'm fairly certain that there are..

What can you do about it.? Nothing..

It IS normal for young children to exhibit this behavior.. Mentally retarded (that word just means "slowed" or "delayed", it's not used as an insult) people can continue to do this their entire lives.. People who are emotionally stunted can also have a tendancy to hold or touch their genitals.. On a basic, primal level, it is reassuring to the psyche that they are protected and intact..

I used to work at a pediatric neuro-rehab facility where we took care of kids who had had spinal insult, traumatic brain injury, etc.. One of the things we looked for as we were trying to bring kids out of coma was the genital-holding behavior.. If they came in zonked out of this world and after a few days or weeks they started to grab their stuff, we knew we were making progress..

Like I said before, there is nothing you can do about this yourself.. He might have some deeply seated issues that he might not even be aware of himself, consciously, and the most basic part of his brain might be looking for reassurance.. You CAN'T give him that reassurance.. It MUST come from a source that he knows and trusts implicitly, namely, himself..

Another possibility is that he is self-absorbed to the point of not caring what you or other people think and he's just rude.. Either way, there's nothing that you can do to stop the behavior.. He has to do it himself..Health Question & Answer

I used to do it like all the time when I was homeschooled as a young boy, but then when I got older, like 4th grade my mom sent me to public school, so I was caught by one of my classmates and I was embarressed so I broke the habit and stopped, it's nothing bad really.. I usually brought my penis shaft to face erect to my pants waist line and my shirt covering over it, i thought it felt good, but I broke the habit, like I said..Health Question & Answer

You ask a good question..
Personally it gives me a feeling of comfort and content..
I try to avoid public display but catch myself anyway..
I don't realize that I am.. I'll sit and watch TV with both hands tucked in my crotch, it's cozy and comfortable..
Perhaps subconsciously we think someone is out to take it away from us!! Hard to explain!!
As for time spent.? I have no idea up to now.. But I wall be aware now and try to take note of time spent..
BTW your husband is as normal as the rest of us guys..Health Question & Answer

We scratch where it itches, not where it looks good! The amount of time spent scratching is directly related to the amount of itchiness being experienced.. There is no set time limit and it varies from guy to guy depending upon the degree of "itch-osity"..Health Question & Answer

It normal for some guys, I just wonder if your guy has jock itch or some other kind of skin problem.. If it is a habit, and borders on obsevive compulsive, this is a pill for that also, have him see his family doctor..Health Question & Answer

i agree with everybody here that its natural for guys and if hes not itching its comfortable ask him he might tell you but its natural so dont be so harsh on him and maybe he has done it since he was littleHealth Question & Answer

quite a bit because our tool touches our sack and sometimes it gets irritating, and it sometimesw feels good/itchy..Health Question & Answer

yeah my three year old brother has been doing that ever since he was two

he sleeps with his hand in his pants..
yeah, pretty gross..Health Question & Answer

I don't know how old your boyfriend is, how old you are, and if you are sexually active.. (Not going to ask)

7th grade in the 60's, there was a boy who ALWAYS had a hand down his pants during class..
'Everyone' in class knew it.. Of course, he was 'weird' to us - at that age - back then - when nobody talked about anything..

Now that I'm OLD......I feel sorry for the kid! LOL!
I can't believe his parents never noticed.. If he did it everyday in class - he probably did it at home too! Never knew what that was......maybe a 'feel-good'.?

Got a boyfriend when I was 17.. He was 22 or 23.. He started having his hand down his pants - scratching all the time.. We became sexually active, and I started 'itching' also.. HE had 'crabs', and I got them! YIKES! He had no clue until 'I' told him what this was all about.. (he just was determined to scratch all the time - lol)

'Crabs', lice, or 'scabies' could cause it..

We used 'over-the-counter' medications.. Didn't seem to help much.. We both shaved- (down there) - and oh my! When hair started growing back - itched like crazy for a few weeks! haha......(true!)

Maybe his underwear are too tight or uncomfy.?
Maybe he's compulsive.? (or is that obsessive.?)

Probably you should tell his MOM that it isn't funny or 'cute', and to tell her son he's NOT a little boy anymore.? That it is a HUGE turnoff to others.?

I don't know the answer..
Maybe just stop anything/everything and watch him (in a very obvious way) - with a stop-watch / timer.? Tell him he's got his hand down his pants......AGAIN......and "how long is this going to last this time.?".. And 'TIME IT' (don't forget to carry that 'talley sheet' around with you......EVERYWHERE!)

Of course, be sure to rule out pesky critters & any real medical problems first!

Tell his Mom to tell him to STOP, else he will never find a mate! (but then, that may be the reason! OUCH! Maybe, he is doing this on purpose to turn you off.? - 'cuz he doesn't have the guts to say anythiing.?)

j/k, but you never know!

Maybe he just likes playing alone..

(P..S.. - If you ever discover the answer to this, I'd like to know! LOL!)Health Question & Answer

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