Can masturbate lower high blood pressure?!

Question: Can masturbate lower high blood pressure.?
It can help huge, because sexual tension, anxiety, frustration, and sexual tension causes the blood pressure to go up big time! It's being under a form of stress..

Masturbation relieves and releases all of those causes..

If a Dude in a relationship or marriage gets turned down by his Lady because she isn't feeling well or something, the experience of rejection on top of it all, compounds the stress, raising the blood pressure, as well as him being anxious for release, and not seeing a near future.. Occasional masturbation under such conditions is a good to give some time, and fresh start for the future without the damaging stress and anxiety.. I don't mean to replace the real thing with masturbation, but just keeping level, smooth, at physical peace, and healthy..

Dudes do and say crazy stuff when they are under sexual stress, and become so misunderstood..

Hope that helps
:- )Health Question & Answer

It might help.. It reduces stress..Health Question & Answer

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