What are other symptoms of cancer?!

Question: What are other symptoms of cancer.?
is a blocked lymph node the first sign of cancer.? does anyone know what other side effects you would have.?Health Question & Answer

A blocked lymph node is not a symptom of cancer.. It is only a sign of a pluggage of the duct to the skin surface.. Many people get them because of using antipersperants and such!

As much as we hate the smell of BO, I reccomend the use of a deoderant and more washing, and no antipersperants, even if yur a heavy sweat type person..

The imune system depends upon being able to release through the lymph nodes under the arms and a bit down the side of our body below the arm pit..

Good health is way more important than smelling like a rose constantly for the pretty people.. Besides, there are some amazing deoderants..

Swollen lymph nodes which are not plugged, but sore, is a bad sign, and reason to see a doctor, as it indicates an infection in the least.. Not all types of cancer shows up in the lymph nodes, but lymphoma and related types shows up there first and most noticible in the lymph nodes..

also sudden loss in vitality with the lymph nodes condition and weight loss that can't be explained is to be watched for..

There can be tell tale grwoths in or on the body, as well as darker spots on the skin that turn into sores and don't seem to heal (melenoma)

Prostate cancer can feel like a swelling between the base of the penis, and the sphincter mucsle that cuts off the pee flow..
When you squeese that mucle, it can feel firm in there, or like squeezing against something more solid.. If can be a reduction of urine flow as well.. There can be pain in the deep hip area which feel like pressure on the psyatic nerve, but is more of a deep pain..

Breast cancer, is some times tough to tell without a mamogram, and soemetimes even then, cuz the mamogram looks for lumps.. There is a type of breast cancer which is more fiberous, and you may recognize it by long term body familiarity.. It may feel like fiberous tissue inside the side fo the breast, extending a little out into the side of the body from that area..

As much as it seem or feels wierd, Ladies, and Dudes, get to know yur body well! Feel around, as in every where and take memory notes.. You should be the first to become aware of any changes, by really knowing yur body, and don't procrastinate, but see a doctor as soon as possible..
With some types of cancer, time matters qucikly..

Hope that helps some
:- )Health Question & Answer

NO......stop driving yourself crazy.. My children both get enlarged nodes from time to time.. It might even be a cyst.. If someone told you side effects of cancer, you may be so paranoid that you will wake up tomorrow and have every one of the symptoms.. Take it easy, and if it doesn't go anyway in a week, go to the doctor if you haven't already.. He/ She will either want to run some tests to put your mind at ease, or give you an antibiotic for some kind of infection that your body is trying to fight..Health Question & Answer

A swollen lymph node means your body is fighting a bacteria,and not a sign of cancer at all:had cancer 7 times and in none of these cases ever had swollen lymph nodes
FlashHealth Question & Answer

it depends on what tipeHealth Question & Answer

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