Does it really feel better?!

Question: Does it really feel better.?
This is a question to girls and guys so please, I want everyones oppinion.. Does an uncircumcised penis feel better than a circumcised one.? I have heard that it does and I have also heard that an uncircumcised penis is more prone to carry infections.. Which is better.? Can someone please shed some light on this one and star me if you are just as confused as me.?Health Question & Answer

An uncircumcised penis feels better for the guy because there are a lot more nerve endings in the foreskin which are cut off during circumcision and also because the foreskin protects the head of the penis from desensitization..

For the woman, I don't know if it really makes any difference because most women say they can't tell the difference but some of them say one feels better than the other so it probably just depends on the couple..

A lot of people believe that an uncircumcised penis is more prone to infection and less hygenic but I don't really believe that because in Europe men don't get circumcised unless they are Jewish or Muslim and you don't hear about all of them getting infections and stuff.. I think it's just something American doctors have propetuated to keep circumcision so popular in the States.. As long as an uncircumcised guy washes his penis in the shower it's no less hygenic than a circumcised guy..

I'm a circumcised guy (since birth) but after leaning about how much is lost during circumcision, I kind of wish that I wasn't..Health Question & Answer

I heard an intact penis feels better too.. Obviously it provides more pleasure for the guy because he has more nerve endings and a more sensitive glans, and there are persuasive studies showing how it can feel better during sex for the female too.. It's not really more infection prone, that is a myth.. The foreksin can get infected like any body part but this is usually due to bad hygiene and is easily treated.. So if you remove it then you can't get it infected but that would be the same with any other body part, finger, nose, toenails, tonsils etc.. And circumcised guys can still get infections like STDs, yeast, fungus......personally I think natural is better.. The foreskin is a normal part of the penis and it functions well and definitely has purposes..Health Question & Answer

The risk of infection highly exaggerated.. Personally I have had no problems with my penis in my 34 years.. I am guessing I am not an exception.. The majority of the men in the world are uncircumcised.. Do you think all the men in Europe are walking around with infected penii.?

As for sensation, I have only been uncut so I can't say for sure, but the very thought of having my head rub my boxers all day is horrible.. The only way you could deal with that is if your penis head had been desensitized.. I personally would never consider getting circumcised..Health Question & Answer

I think uncircumcised is way better, although some women can't tell the difference.. As far as infections, as long as you are with a responsible man who doesn't sleep around and/or gets tested regularly then there's no difference.. Transmitting and contracting STDs is more about ones behavior than their penis..Health Question & Answer

I've had both and I don't think it matters which way, size is most important(not neccesssarily bigger) My husband is uncir and just the right size for me.. I've had way big and way small.. Average size is best.. He makes sure to clean it really good, but it's just like a vagina in that way,, we have to make sure ours are clean too..Health Question & Answer

Well, if you are concerned due to an anticipation of casual sexual activity, you might try that one out for yourself and make your own opinion.. If you're concerned about a life partner, I think love would be the more important factor..Health Question & Answer

A circumcised penis is far better for more than one reason..Health Question & Answer

ive had both and i would suggest circumsised they are always cleaner and the tend to be a bit bigger but thats just me they are easier to give hj, bj Etc........Health Question & Answer

I've heard that a circumcised vagina carries less infection too...... is cleaner and a lot less 'gross'........ let's start circumcising girls too!!! <<<< sarcasmHealth Question & Answer

I hate being circumcised, ever since I was a kid and saw another boy masturbating with his foreskin.. He could stroke the entire length of his penis, right up over the head (glans), using the gliding action of the skin.. The foreskin slides on itself and acts like a never-ending tube of natural lube.. I researched it and discovered I was missing out on a lot of sensitive nerves packed into 15 square inches (40 square centimetres) of sensitive skin area and specialised structures..

Many women report that sex with an intact partner is more pleasurable, because of that lube effect (especially on entry) and the fact that the male doesn't have to really pound away to feel anything.. Sometimes I am in danger of losing erection because I can't feel enough and have to thrust harder.. That causes less contol over orgasam rather than more..

Where I live most women my age have not experienced a foreskin but I had one girlfriend who much prefered a foreskin.. Most younger women in Australia have experienced a foreskin because now the majority of young men here are happily intact..

It's a myth that intact guys get lots of infections.. Girls get a lot more and we are rightfully outraged if bits are cut off their genitals.. Using surgery to mutilate the genitals instead of washing in a modern western society makes no sense.. Normal intact male genitals are, if anything, easier to wash than female ones and the same substance, smegma collects in the genital folds of both sexes.. Most guys with a foreskin have no problems and those that do mostly just need a tube of cream or to do some stretching exercises..

As far as STDs go recent studies show that a foreskin makes no difference in the real world.. A very recent study in New Zealand followed a cohort of boys through life from birth to age 32.. About 40% were circumcised.. The intact males had a slightly lower rate of sexually transmitted infections than the circumcised but there was no significant difference..

Not one medical organisation in the world recommends routine infant circumcision anymore but the US is the last western nation still doing this to about 50% of its newborn males.. They still don't generally use anaesthetic either.. It's child abuse, pure and simple..

The claimed benefits of circumcision are a beat up (based on flawed studies) and don't really exist but medical authorities have worked out that the overall complication rate is higher than all the benefits claimed by the pro-cutting advocates.. One by one the claims are disproved but the pro-cutting zealots come up with more and keep quoting the old ones despite the evidence against them.. For example you have more chance of dying from a circumcision or losing your penis from infection than from penile cancer.. The rate of penile cancer is higher in the largely-circumcised USA than in European countries where less than 1% of the male population is circumcised.. Plus circumcised men have been found to have penile cancer, mostly on the scar.. (Remember this is a very rare disease in intact or circumcised men)..

I wish I'd been given the chance to choose for myself.. Intact men can choose to get cut at any time in their life, though most have no desire to do so.. The internet has shown that many men resent being circumcised.. It's just not something that most of us talk about a lot, even to our parents..Health Question & Answer

definitely circumcised in my opinion..Health Question & Answer

I think circed is way better:Way cleaner what ever they say about washing etc..And it feels much better..
Flash..Health Question & Answer

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