Tight Foreskin and VERY sensitive head?!

Question: Tight Foreskin and VERY sensitive head.?
I am 14 and have a tight foreskin when I am erect.. I can get it about half way back, but I can't get it further..

also, my penis head is VERY sensitive when it is touched without the skin over it.. It sort of hurts..Health Question & Answer

As you get older and more into masturbation your foreskin should stretch to the point where you can retract it fully.. Don't force it...... just try to stretch it and retract it a little more each time..

It's normal for the head of an uncircumcised penis to be sensitive...... it's one of the advantages of being uncircumcised...... again as you get used to masturbating the sensitivity should decrease a little until what feels like pain now becomes pleasure..

Good luck..Health Question & Answer

Try this,it really helps..
Drop some baby oil on the head and pull the foreskin back:massage the oil in,retract a bit further:apply more oil and pull the foreskin back:massage again:you will see that you can touch the head easily now..Because it is slippery and less sensitive..
When you wash your penis retract as far as possible,use some shower gel and wash it gently:rinse it clean and let the water run over it some time..
Ge yourself dry and apply the oil again and leave it it there all day long:also use it as a lube..
Success:in no time it will feel way better,dude
Now go get a bottle of baby oil..If your mom asks you why you use it tell her for dry elbows,feet or whatever,you asked at a store and they advised you to use this:simple hey.?Health Question & Answer

You'll have to bite the bullet and get the foreskin back.. Use an oils over your glands penis (head) it will help.. Start touching the head and run the shower water on it.. Over time this will normalise the sensitivity.. That is very important for love making, as you won't want to be screaming out of control all through the sexual experience, though it could be a real turn on for the woman hehe..

also an overly sensitive penis may blow like a volcano within seconds and that would really spoil the fun.. Maybe, premature ejaculation would lose the girlfriend as well.. So start training and go through the pain barrier, it won't last long..Health Question & Answer

That's quite common......if you keep pulling the foreskin back when erect, every day in the bath/shower and with some lubricant if necessary, you'll find it'll get easier after a while.. The head is sensitive because it hasn't been exposed, try to gently rub it or run some water over it and after a while it should also get less sensitive.. Masturbating often helps too......Health Question & Answer

yeah dw m8....jus keep pullin it bak wen ur in the shower n eventually it will go all the way
it wil be sensitive, just let air get to it and maybe pur a little bit of water on to start with so it gets used to touchHealth Question & Answer


sorry to hear that but for a boy your age that's normal,and unfortunately with time it will stop hurting so muchHealth Question & Answer

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