Black and milds 13?!

Question: Black and milds 13.?
okay im 13 yrs old and my friends offered me a black and mild yesterday and i took 3 puffs of it
is that bad.?Health Question & Answer

I know you want to get along and fit in with your friends, but that was a seriously risky move.. Nicotine is one of the most addictive chemicals known, as addictive as cocaine.. People often don't realize this, because the high of nicotine is so mild.. You can be hooked after just one cigarette, and once hooked, it is extremely difficult to quit.. Nicotine withdrawal has severe mental and emotional symptoms, that are hard to resist.. Once you are addicted, you compulsively expose your lungs to poisons and corrosive chemicals that continually weaken your health..

My advice is to stay away from any further exposure, to lessen the chance of addiction.. If your friends offer you another share, tell them "no thanks, I don't want to get hooked".. If they insist, ask them why they need you to smoke with them.. If it's as rewarding as they think, they shouldn't need your participation to make it acceptable.. If you find yourself craving a cigarette, concentrate on the cancer and disease-causing tars that will coat your lungs if you continue, and ask yourself if that's the path you want to follow.. It's easier to not get started than it ease to get free later..Health Question & Answer

it will not kill you (most likely theres only like a 0..5% chance of it killing you) any ways depends are you ready to smoke.? I am not going to critisize you or tell you what you should do in my opinion (but in my opinion its fine), but this question you should ask yourself is it against our morals and ethics.?

but it is in fact bad for you health will take about 5-10 years off your life if you smoke once a day......Health Question & Answer

yes.. you're 13.. you're way too young to be smoking, even though it is 'just' tobacco.. if you start smoking now, you'll shorten your life span by about 10-15 years, if not more.. dont smoke; its the stupidest thing a person can possibly do to themselves.. trust me- ive seen many blackened lungs, up close and in person..Health Question & Answer

It could be just experimentation..

You should ask yourself way you did it, what did it feel like, did I have feelings then and what feeling now.. How would you refuse in future.? What are the consequences of smoking to your health and how much will it cost to maintain say a habit of 10-20 per day.. What else could you do with that money.?

Aim to be informed and to be an assertive adult.. Your life is in whose hands.?Health Question & Answer

No it is not bad to do that,but just do not start smoking:it is a very addictive habit:And can cause loads of problems..
But these few puffs won't hurt you.. at all
Regards:ColorHealth Question & Answer

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