How can a mother talk to her 9 year old son about the facts of life?!

Question: How can a mother talk to her 9 year old son about the facts of life.?
I don't want to make him uncomfortable but I think he knows more than maybe he should from his friends..Health Question & Answer

I disagree with the earlier post, 9 is NOT too young, because you're right, he's already hearing about it from friends..

Basically there are a few areas you want to cover

1.. The actual mechanics of sex, and how babies are made..

2.. The dangers of unprotected sex, and the importance of condoms, and of having his OWN and not expecting the girl to take responsibility..

3.. Your family's feelings on sex, morally (even if you believe he should wait till marriage, PLEASE tell him about condoms anyway!!!)

There are tons of books and web sites on this subject.. also try talking to other moms and find out what they said..

One thing about talking to guys of any age is they hate being sat down for dramatic heart to hearts.. Do it in small doses and try to be as casual as possible.. Emphasize that he should take everything his peers say with a BIG grain of salt, and that he should be sure to talk with you or his doctor about any questions..

Are you a single mom.? If so think about having a trusted male friend or relative on hand to talk to him about stuff only guys know about being a guy going through puberty, and answer questions he might be embarrassed to ask you..Health Question & Answer

Some other posters have said that he might be to young to talk about such things.. I think they might be underestimating kids; nine year olds can be very inquisitive and learn new things very well.. There are some things he will not be mature enough to really understand yet, but plenty of others that he can understand well.. He's already learning about such things, and as his parent it's your role to watch after him and teach him..

If I was in your shoes, I'd probably sit him down somewhere you usually talk and tell him that you are going to talk about sex.. I'd ask him what he knows to try to find out what he has been told.. I don't know whether he'd be too shy to share what he's heard, but if he will, that will be a great starting point..

Most of the most appropriate details for a nine year old are the scientific details.. Think about how you would say this, but be prepared to improvise a lot if he has anything in particular he seems interested in.. Try not to introduce too many terms too quick; there's a lot of jargon that goes along with sex..

Remember that he might be pretty na?ve.. Don't take for granted that he understands things.. One example is that many children do not understand the point of the erection, that it enables the sex act.. Many children have trouble understanding that semen and pee are completely different as they are both fluids that come out of a penis and they have only witnessed one..

If I was in your shoes, I probably would not bring up masturbation.. If he doesn't know about it, I wouldn't really want to bring that up.. It's completely harmless if he has figured it out and does it, but if he doesn't, there's no reason to introduce him to the idea..

When you are done, try to assure him that he can ask or talk about anything, not just now but whenever he wants.. If he seems interested in hearing about certain things, tell him more, indulge his curiosity.. Best case scenario, you open a dialog that stays open through puberty and young adulthood..

To really be there for him, this will be one of a few talks he'll need growing up.. He'll face many other challenges and interests that he does not yet.. His view of sex will involve more about pleasure and less about reproduction, most likely.. He'll understand that there are many sex acts.. He'll certainly begin masturbating, assuming he does not now, which he should know is healthy and universal.. He'll need to know about safe sex and STDs.. He'll need to know your morals about sex.. He'll need to sort out the feelings of crushes from his sexual instincts.. All of these sorts of things don't apply yet and he is probably not ready to hear about unless for some reason he is aware and interested about any of them..

Good luck! I hope this is a helpful perspective..Health Question & Answer

Nobody ever talked to me about sex.. I'm 13.. My brother just turned 11, today, and I know that he knows about masturbation cuz he's asking me questions.. So your son might know more than you think and it might be better to teach him before he learns all the wrong stuff..
But I gotta tell you, I would be very uncomfortable talking to my mom about that stuff.. I'm sort of glad I didn't get the talk.. Even from my dad..Health Question & Answer

Tell him this "Son, anytime you get a chance at that pussy you should beat it up, because their aint nothin like thrustin your rock hard cock into that nice wet virgin pussy.. Aint no need for a condom just pull it out and spray it on that b 1tches face like her face is on fire and your the fire department.."Health Question & Answer

yes he knows he is just scared to tell you and really doesnt want to so just wait a little while or if you do think its nessasary then sit down with him and tell him about sex and that if he sees and magazinens ect that thats not how sex really is and anything else you think is nessasary (like how it can be dangerous and ect)its amazing how much kids find out throgh schoolHealth Question & Answer

Go for it.. Honestly, the first sex ed I had in school was about second grade (younger than nine), Although they didn't teach about STDs etc.. If I had known MORE about sex and std's from a knowledgable adult then I would have been better off growing up......In this case, that knowledgeable adult would be you.. Good luck!Health Question & Answer

Don't he most likely knows already im 99% sure.. Its just going to be awkward and painful.. Only thing is you should talk to him about safe sex once he is older and has a girlfriend.. Don't want him having any STD's or babies now do you.?Health Question & Answer

ask him what him and his friends talk about sit him down and start with the basics.... u have a girl friend .?do u like this girl .? lol......make a conversation about it start if off like do u guys do health at school what do u learn.?.?Health Question & Answer

You should hold off for a couple more years...... because you will be feeding him extra knowledge to tell his friends...... but if you decide to tell him...... just start a easy going conversation...... and just ease into the discussionHealth Question & Answer

u take him into a private room of the house and both get naked.. u rub his penis and suck on it to demonstrate for him what sex is like.. let him rub ur boobs and pussy so u get a good time out of it too..Health Question & Answer

just buy him a book
( sit him down and tell him your getting to that age and i think you should have this,give it to him,then tell him if the book doesn't anwser any of his question to just ask you)Health Question & Answer

by now he's prolly already he knows some......his peers have probably told him allot about it at school......but youi should wait just a little while to actually talk about it......Health Question & Answer

I remember when i was young like that there was talk of "periods" and so on but no one really knew what they were...... wait till he is older and then u can explain in detail what he doesnt pick up in health classesHealth Question & Answer

It depends on the kid.. He may be a little more comfortable if you got his dad to talk to him..Health Question & Answer

They teach that stuff right when you start middle school at 10/ let them do the job and fill in the blanks afterHealth Question & Answer

i think u should wait a little longer...... maybe until hes like 12 or 13 , 9 is way too youngHealth Question & Answer

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