Why do men have hairy chests?!

Question: Why do men have hairy chests.?
It's a combination of genetics and hormones.. Testosterone causes more hair to grow..

If a woman has too much testosterone, she will grow facial and chest hair, too.. But only if she is genetically predisposed to it.. If you've got a lot of hairy people in your family, then you'll have chest hairs.. If you live in a family like mine full of naked monkeys, then you won't..Health Question & Answer


Same as back, neck, ear, leg, and butt hair.. Remember, we're closely related to apes (some might say there are still some walking amongst us XD) and they're extremely hairy..Health Question & Answer

Because we were designed that way, evolution gave us hair, because it helps protect the skin from the elements, and helps to keep us warm..Health Question & Answer

it depends its mostly about the genesHealth Question & Answer

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