What is muscle milk?!

Question: What is muscle milk.?
My boyfriend works out a lot, and he has grown a lot since I first started dating him.. He uses the kettle bell and perfect push up.. Anyway 2 days ago he told me that he started drinking muscle milk.. I don't know much about muscle milk, but I think that it's cheating...... It makes you bigger than you would be if you just worked out alone, doesn't it.? What exactly is muscle milk, and what does it do.? Why would anyone drink it.? Doesn't it defeat the purpose of pushing yourself extra hard during your workout, because hey, the muscle milk would just make you bigger, so why do the extra work.? I told my boyfriend I thought it was cheating and he stopped drinking it now because he thinks I wont be impressed with his muscles anymore coz I will think that the muscle milk did it all.. I told him he should drink it if he wants to.. But I do think its cheating.. Someone enlighten me on this and correct me if its not cheating.. I don't know much about muscle milk..Health Question & Answer

Muscle milk is a brand of protein drink as shown above which is not a drug like steroids.. It is not cheating, it is just something to drink like a milk shake except with protein in it..

If he drank protein shakes alone without exercising, he would not grow.. You need to exercise for the muscles to grow because exercise tears the muscles microscopically and when you rest and eat enough proteins, carbohydrates, and fats, your body can grow and rebuild itself and grow bigger..

If your friend exercised too hard, he may get injured and tear a ligament.. He also needs to eat enough to recover.. If he exercised only and did not eat, he may lose weight and become weaker because the body requires food just to live and also to grow..

Best of luck!Health Question & Answer

Muscle milk is this drink that has a lot of protein and calories so you get energy.. They sell it at Smoothie King, so it's not like a drug or anything..Health Question & Answer

Its a high protien drink.. Its not bad for you as long as hes not living on it.. Its nice to have once in a while if u skip a meal and to get extra protien and calories..Health Question & Answer

Milk that comes from the muscle.?Health Question & Answer

Muscle Milk?: Nature

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