If Steroids Are So Powerful?!

Question: If Steroids Are So Powerful.?
Out of hundreds of athletes supposedly taking them shouldn't dozens of players hit hundreds of tape measure homeruns and throw massive fireball pitches while striking out hundreds more batters.? I'm just asking because the way I see it is if Barry Bonds and Roger Clemons are guilty of taking them and gittin' all swole up while makin' these huge records it stands to reason that there would be dozens if not hundreds of athletes beltin' out these great numbers also! Is it because these two are just better at maximizing whatever the benefits are of taking these performance enhancers.? I don't know if they took them or not! I don't care! They can make their own deal with the Devil if they want! What I do know is that if it works for one guy it should work for all guys! Talk to me!Health Question & Answer

They have their limitations and their down side, depending on what one is takeing.. Endurence and strength can improve, because the steroids can emulate conditons in the body of a much younger person..

The down side is that the body starts to respond like it would to those conditions in a much younger Dude, like additional skeletal growth, inner organ changes, loss of penis size, and testicular atrophe..

The conditions often emulate that of body spurt growth ,and not that of package growth.. the two are in opposition to each other..

Girls grow faster and sooner than Dudes from growth hormones, and those aren't testosterone..

Changes to the skeletal sructure and organs are permanent and irreversable.. Our DNA knows when to stop and change to different hormones at the right stages of growth..

For sports, we have found a way to go around this a do our own thing..
Good looking Dude could end up looking coarse and disproportioned jaw line, forehead and knuckle spread..
The organ changes may not be seen, but matter lots..

So not worth it! There is life after sports..

Hope that telling it as it is helps
:- )Health Question & Answer

They funny thing is not only does it make you stronger , it stops you from getting injured .. When Marc McGuwer was playing his best baseball he was taking andro it was allowed then .. He found he was little stronger yes but he was also able to play more games with less pain.. When you take this stuff you do not get sore , so you can play in more games.. you get stronger you can throw harder hit harder.. What you will see is the HR numbers drop .. More pitchers getting injured more guys needing days off..Health Question & Answer

Steroids only make exercise pay off more, they don't do anything on their own but make you fat and impotent.. If you sit on your butt and do nothing, it won't do anything.. It's not a magic shot, so not everyone gets the same benefit out of it..Health Question & Answer

dont worry its okay to be ugly..

fagmuffin..Health Question & Answer

dont knowHealth Question & Answer

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