I'm asking this for my 65 yr. old grandpa?!

Question: I'm asking this for my 65 yr.. old grandpa.?
my grandpa is 65 and he can not stop peeing.. he has to go every 30 min.. or so.. he has high blood pressure and thats about it, besides him being old.. please respond back if you have any ideas about it.. he cant evan get a goodnights sleep cuz of it.. and its really wereing him down..
please no sarcatic remarks cuz this is my grandpa were talkin about..' thank youHealth Question & Answer

Your grandfather probably has an enlarged prostate- the prostate is responsible for control of urinary flow and also adds seminal fluid to sperm.. In older men, the prostate can become enlarged.. When this happens, the man may have difficulty emptying his bladder when he "pees".. This causes the man to have to pee every 15minutes.. There are medications such as Flomax that sometimes help.. Other treatments may be surgical.. There are some guys that come into the ER where I work and they are suddenly unable to urinate at all.. We have to place a catheter in to drain the bladder.. Take your grandfather to his doctor and have him examined..Health Question & Answer

Some folks are prescribed diuretics when they have high blood pressure -- A major side effect of diuretics is making lots of urine.. Lasix, or furosemide is usually the medicine that does this.. Check the labels of his medicine..
Another problem could be the prostate gland, but a doc would need to see him for that..
Lots of urine could also be a symptom of diabetes..
Best wishes......Health Question & Answer

He should go to a larger Pharmacy and near
where he gives the Pharmacist his Rx, there
will be a rack with health books on it..
Buy the book that says THE PILL BOOK
12th Edition..
This book lists every medication......what the
side effects are......what interactions the drugs
have and any special precautions.. It is a
very good Rx book.. then he will know exactly which drugs he is taking that makes
him urinate so much..
also, what he is experiencing could be a
also be having a bladder or kidney problem..
OR (and here's a major one he should check
out), he could be having prostate problems..
He needs to see a General Practitioner
or better yet, a UROLOGIST.. He needs to
write down all his symptoms and when they
happen.. He needs to put all his meds in
a bag and take them with him..
He can start tho by getting the Pill Book and looking up the side effects of whatever
he is now taking..
Please tell him to remember that any
medication is harder on an older person and
the dosage should be adjusted according
to the side effects it is producing..
If he doesn't like doctors, it's time he finds
one he likes.. We all get there sooner or later..
Actually sweetie: 65 isn't really old.. men are living to 85-90 now with no problems..Health Question & Answer

maybe he should talk to his doctor about his peeing problem......

but you could also try not drinks so much water or anything before he goes to bed...... or at all.... waters and teas make people have to pee...... and its good for there system but it can wear you out from going......

but he should deff.. see a doctor about it.... they could give him a perscription for it..Health Question & Answer

He needs a specialist (Urologist).. Your grandpa might have problem on his urinary system.. He might have prostate problem.. My friend's dad has the same symptoms but he let his dad used negative ion.. Please let me know how can I help further.. My email leydo@yahoo..comHealth Question & Answer

its his meds hes takeing from the docs for hes blood pressure ask the doc if they could switch the meds and it will help good luck hope this has helped it helped me at one timeHealth Question & Answer

have him go to the doctor and get his prostate checked..Health Question & Answer

tell him to get a prostate exam!!!!!!!!!!Health Question & Answer

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