Fat and muscle - points for best answer...?!

Question: Fat and muscle - points for best answer.......?
hi, i want to get toned within a month so 17th august......

i'm 16 and a male..

i'm only 10 stone though, and although that's about the average weight for a 16 year old male there is still some fat covering my abs and pec muscles..

so i'm totally confused......

will i still have to do cardio since i'm only 10 stone but still have a bit of fat i want to get rid of.? or can i just do crunches and press ups - will that work for a month everyday at 200 each per day.? should i do more a day.?.?

and if i have to do both cardio and pressups/crunches then what should i do first.? blend them in together.?

for example, do press ups and crunches everyday and do cardio every second day along with them.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?

please help! i'm so depressed over this :(Health Question & Answer

The cardio is to work for your heart : having a better health (not what you're exactly looking for).. You can do fat-burning exercices with is at a slower tempo but longer then cardio.. Now to get muscles I just suggest to hit the gym and get an appropriate schedule..

also, I've often been told that results depend on 80% of what you eat and 20% of what exercices you do..

Even if you had the best program instructor and best food and all, it's really not guaranteed that you will find results within one month...... You usually start seeing a significant change after about three months..

And you can do cardio / exercices one right after the other there is no problem for that..Health Question & Answer

dont stress, at 16 you are still developing, so just walk or swim now and again to tone up.. you are not fat so you have nothing to worry about.. you sound about average weight if you are average height.. you have your whole life ahead of you so enjoy it while you are young and healthy.... take careHealth Question & Answer

This is a website for people just like you
try it!
points plzHealth Question & Answer

I'm confused - why have you asked this 6 timesHealth Question & Answer

I've heard many times that running in one of the quickest ways to lose fat especially around your mid section.. also if you eat things such a olive oil, yogurt, and high fiber content foods this could help reduce fat around your middle as well.. As for exercising I used to have no fat around my stomach and i did cardio every day for at least 20 mins and then i would do crunches at night before i went to bed.. also you have to make sure you diet is in check as well.. Diet has ALOT to do with belly fat.. So make sure you are eating low fat foods and lean meats like fish, chicken and turkey.. also if you are eating white bread switch to wheat or whole grain.. hope that helps!Health Question & Answer

200 Push-ups!......
Okay, since you seem to be average weight(or whatever the hell 10 stone is......I didn't even know that was still an acurate modern measurement of weight.. Don't you use Kilograms.?), you should do 3 things.. Weight/resistance training, cardio, diet
1.. Resistance-Push-ups are good, but I've never seen anyone do 200.. Then again, I do 50 reps of them with 3 sets......pretty much, weight lifting altogether.. If you want big muscle, do about 10 reps with 3 sets.. If you want more toned muscel(not bulky) do about 15-20 reps with 3-4 sets
For your abs, though, you could do ab crunches, but ab exercises ARE THE LEAST EFFECTIVE WAY OF GETTING A SIX PACK.. If you have a layer of fat on your abs, it doesn't matter how many sit-ups you did that morning..

2.. Cardio- I would suggest running.. They are a great exercise for the legs, heart,and lower abs.. But if you want to lose as many calories as possible, bicycling is the best..

3.. Diet- First, you need (for the muscles) 1g of protein for every Pound on you......so I don't know what that is in stone.. If you want to lose belly fat, you need cardio plus a diet high in protein and low on carbs..

Remember there are 3500 calories in a pound of fat, and 30-50 calories are burned a day to support a pound of muscle you have.. This means that to lose fat, you need to reduce your caloric intake while keeping your protein levels high, but don't starve yourself, or else you won't gain muscle mass..Health Question & Answer

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