Anti-Perspirant Deoderant unhealthy for you?!

Question: Anti-Perspirant Deoderant unhealthy for you.?
Is using anti-perspirant deoderant unhealthy for u.?

On google when I searched it, it said it causes breast cancer.?

But im a guy........ so...... is it unhealthy for me.? :SHealth Question & Answer

Yes, ALL deodorants that are commercially produced are very harmful to the body.. Most of them rely on the Aluminum Chlorhydrate for wetness control.. This is a heavy metal that ends up in your thyroid and other soft glands.. Heavy metal toxicity can contribute greatly to degenerative diseases.. The best product I've ever found has NO chemicals and NO heavy metals whatsoever.. It can be found at: (800) 370 - 3447 and you need to order the ozonated gel.. The gel portion is olive oil that actually nourishes your body..

This stuff will last about 3 days if you don't shower.. It's really quite amazing..

I know of no research that says deodorants cause breast cancer.. Breast cancer is due to the lack of essential fatty acids in the diet and infections of the teeth primarily, especially root canals that lie in the breast meridian energy pathways.. Infection is 99% of what causes cancer.. Infection generates inflammation and too many omega 6 fatty acids contribute heavily to the problem..

Aluminum, by the way, has not been linked to Alzheimer's disease, but mercury definitely has.. Go to this web site put on by the University of Calgary School of Medicine and watch the 5 minute video and see a time lapsed (30 min..) of what mercury does to brain tissue.. Aluminum, cadmium, etc.. did not have this effect, but mercury did.." rel="nofollow">

good luckHealth Question & Answer

The chemicals in anti-perspirants help prevent sweating, and sweating is one of the ways the body cleanses itself of toxic substances..
Every time you apply an anti-perspirant, it's like damming up a river, sweat backs up in and around your armpits..
The toxins in your sweat become trapped there..
Did you know that we're actually supposed to perspire.? The sweat glands are designed to help our bodies excrete waste materials that we certainly don't want sealed up inside..

And just because you're a guy doesn't mean you're safe..
Aluminum, an ingredient commonly found in deodorant and antiperspirant, has been linked to Alzheimer's disease and brain disorders, as well as breast cancer!

But there are heaps of deodorants without aluminum, the only problem is these often aren't strong enough for people who sweat heavily..

If this is a problem for you, you could try a natural deodorant called Lavalin..
Lavalin is a powdery cream which is easy to apply, and guess what!! It is the worlds only long-lasting deodorant.. Even when showering daily, one application lasts the average user from eight to fourteen days!!

The effectiveness of this cream is not lessened by weather conditions or any kind of washing, bathing, swimming, etc.. The use of Lavilin deodorants eliminates the need to use any other deodorant.. It is extremely economical because it is so long lasting..

It is the ONLY "All Natural" deodorant available, made from all natural antibacterial agents..
If you google it, I'm sure you'll be able to find a site easily and buy it online..

Honestly, I'm not just trying to sell it to you; dont believe me if you dont want!
I'm just a 15 yr old girl who uses it and loves it!

good luck : )Health Question & Answer

Actually, yes, deoderant is unhealthy for you.. Anything that you put on your skin is absorbed into your body.. So, if you wouldn't eat it or drink it, then it's not safe.. I am a woman who was told by my doctor not to shave under my arm every day and to use deoderant sparingly.. I started having problems with my lymph nodes..Health Question & Answer

They can mask over the sweat glands and perhaps block them, which defeats the purpose of the glands - to keep your body temperature stable.. also, deodorants often have aluminum in them...... which as a heavy metal is one of the contributors of Alzheimers'.. The lymph nodes in your armpits can easily absorb toxins and heavy metals..Health Question & Answer

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