Couldnt get it to stay up when trying sex for the first time. Why not?!

Question: Couldnt get it to stay up when trying sex for the first time.. Why not.?
Ive been going out with this girl for a couple months and I am completly comfortable around her.. Weve done everything but sex and the decided we were ready to go all the way.. So we were making out and everything was going good.. When she told me she was ready i was totally pumped.. I didnt really feel nervous....more excited and anxious but by the time i got the condum on i could no longer keep it up.. At one point i got it up enough to get it in her but it was down again in seconds.. I felt like a complete failure and she keeps telling me its okay and that she dosnt care.. Why did this happen and will it keep happening.?Health Question & Answer

it's called performance anxiety.. it happens to the best of us! it's good to have an understanding girl-it will make it so much easier the next time..
have the condom open and ready and let HER put it on you-lots more fun!
get that failure stuff out of your mind or it will mess with you.. like i said, it sounds like you have an understanding girl and if she's patient with you you're on your way to some good lovin'!
you're both being responsible which is good..
one more thing-ROCK ON!!!Health Question & Answer

trust me she doesn't care, i'm sure she was more nervous than you, maybe you just weren't ready, this isn't abnormal and doesn't mean it will always happen.. when you're getting oral can you keep it up.? if so then you should be able to during sex.. you were probably more nervous than you realized because sex really gets your adrenaline going, next maybe get oral before hand to get you REALLY in the mood, even more so than usual lol, then just keep it more erotic to keep him up haha, hope i helpedHealth Question & Answer

Don't worry, it's normal.. You are comfortable with the girl, but it is still a very stressful(even though enjoyable)situation when you are doing it for the first time.. Practice putting a condom on at home acouple of times so you can get do it without really thinking about it..

I know it's hard(not pun intended), but worrying about keeping it up will also make the problem worse.. You just need to relax and try to block out your previous experience..Health Question & Answer

Dude, don't get down on yourself.. If we all would admit it most of us had the same happen in the beginning
Over excitement! Too anxious! True factors..
Try using a condom when you jack, it will help you get used to the feel of one.. After all you will use condoms most of your life..
Stay safe and keep on Trucking!!Health Question & Answer

try to get her to play with you a little bit after you get the condom on to get you exsided if it dosent work maybe your just not attracted to her sexualy.......... you have to play around a little bit before sex sometimesHealth Question & Answer

You were probably more nervous than you think.. Just try to relax and don't put pressure on the situation..Health Question & Answer

this frustrates most womenHealth Question & Answer

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