I jackoff i want to stop but i cant help?!

Question: I jackoff i want to stop but i cant help.?
plz help its an addiction i need to stop tips.?Health Question & Answer

Hi J..

Sorry you are having this problem but it is not the same kind of addiction, say as that of alcohol or drugs which is chemical.. Chemical addictions are those that your body needs.. Your issue has to do with your strong and compelling desire for self gradification.. More than likely there is a deep seeded cause - something from your subconscious that is at the root of it.. A psychologist could get to the heart of the problem...... but not everyone wants to go that route..

Obviously, you cannot walk around all of your waking hours masturbating because you realize there is a time and a place.. This is a mind over matter problem.. Your mind is controlling what you are thinking, which sets the sexual problem in motion.. Either you control your mind or it will control you...... as it is already doing..

To tell you to "Just stop," would be stupid, because that is just not going to happen.. So you will have to slow down, if you want to slow down, and you say.... Plz Help...... right.? You are asking for help.? I suggest that you set for yourself a plan to reduce the amount of times you masturbate.. If this happens several times a day...... allow your self only once a day to begin with.. If it happens numerous times a week, cut it down to every other day.. Gradually, set new challenges for yourself, like twice a week and then once a week..

Masturbating, like in your case, can be a bad habit, so you have to change one bad habit for a good habit.. If you have pornography in the house - magazines or movies - bag um up and throw them away.... don't buy any more.. Find other reading material...... (You could try the Bible) ........ something that holds your interest.. And don't go for the weight training or car and bike mags that have the bikini women draped all over the page...... that is not going to help at all.. But reading material which stimulates your mind in a learning capacity not a sexual one.. Do you like landscaping, fishing, camping, photography.? There must be something.. Next, get rid of your Cable TV and just go for the regular programing.. You want to get all of the temptations away from you as right now.......... you do not control your own destination.. You are a slave to your sexually deviant mind.. When you go to bed at night, put something else in you mind...... and gradually ween yourself from the problem you are asking to stop..Health Question & Answer

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