Why is every question in the men's health section....?!

Question: Why is every question in the men's health section.........?
about their penis!
do guys think of anything else.?Health Question & Answer

ok you shouldn't be in or worry about the men's health section it is none of your business and you shouldn't care.. ok.. get over it.. we have questions about our stuff and you have stuff about your little vagina's' and your terrible little periods!!!! BOB FRICKIDY HOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! who the hell cares!!!!!!!!!!!!Health Question & Answer

Yes, what business do YOU have in this section.?

Penises are a big (pun intended) part of men's health..

Look at how women go on about their vaginas, periods, ovaries, the myriad products for cleaning them; and they think that a man's foreskin is dirty!

Oh, and girls/women aren't at all concerned about breast size, I suppose!!!!!!!!! No, not at all..

Vaginal sprays, douches, suppositories, pads, tampons, pantyliners---women are preoccupied with their vaginas just as much if not more than men are with their penises..
Don't women ever think about anything but their vaginas.?

I guess that it's a human condition to be preoccupied with one's genitals, regardless of sex!Health Question & Answer

Let me answer your question with another question..

Why do so many women feel their bodies are too fat or not skinny enough even though 95% of men would say they are.?

Why do women care so much about how they look and what size pants they can fit into.?

Because they feel insecure about such things.. Growing up women are subjected to "the perfect body" and many women feel that they NEED that to be beautiful..

When men grow up we see porn and we see guys with large penises, and we are shown the "bigger is better" theory.. You also see people making penis jokes a LOT more then you see people making fat jokes about women..

I have noticed that most of the people on this site are rather young, being only 21 myself.. I know I don't have to worry about prostate health for a long time.. For me, penis size is greatly tied into mental health.. I can never be happy because I will always feel my penis isn't big enough.. Many women are the same way because they can't fit into a size 00..

Does that answer your question.?Health Question & Answer

Well when younger men/boys ask about their penis size etc.. it is usually from insecurity and its not that big of a deal because with all of the media focus on increasing size its typical for younger men to feel like that; so when those people ask its usually a sincere insecurity like some women with their breast size.. The only thing that gets me is when people come up and ask retarded things like "my penis is 13 inches long and im 10 years old is that big" because they are annoying as hell and idiots..Health Question & Answer

Nope.. At least not since the Internet, apparently.. It wasn't always this way.. In the old days, boys had to shower together, knew what each other looked like, and as a consequence knew that they themselves were normal.. Now, their only exposure is to Internet porn (with actors with oversized organs) and Internet ads for male enhancement drugs, without which, they're led to believe, you gals would simply laugh at them, as though size is your one and only concern.. Very sad..Health Question & Answer

no we touch it every 2-4 hours we play with it we look at it if we dont pay attention to it.. it will get hard and be at attention untill we give it attention then we have to clean it after giving it attention How could we not talk about it all day

curtdudeHealth Question & Answer

Don't know.. Probably because there isn't any other problem with them.? I mean, all they have is their balls and penis, really the other health questions can be asked in the different catergories.. xDHealth Question & Answer

i would like to know why any women like you would find interest here.. seriously every other answer is from a women.. go to ur own health sectionHealth Question & Answer

Yea, it gets really annoying.. I see them almost every other question..Health Question & Answer

i agree with squirrel..Health Question & Answer

we are simply constructed..............thats all we got..............one dick !
anyway, what would you do without us and that dick .?Health Question & Answer

its important to us, even if it might not be to uHealth Question & Answer

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