How much should someone be able to leg press in comparison to their weight? And squats?!

Question: How much should someone be able to leg press in comparison to their weight.? And squats.?
I don't really have much time to lift nowadays, and when I did (which was infrequent and never too serious), I never did anything with my legs except for the occasional calf raise..

So, how much should someone be able to leg in comparison to their weight.? I am looking for an answer like 1x, 2x, 3x and so on.. also I have read that it can vary from machine to machine, the machine I used was at (roughly) a 45 degree angle and it used cables..

I've read things online that varied from 2x bodyweight to 10x bodyweight so I'm not really sure..

also, I've heard that squats are a better measure of leg strength/lower body strength as a whole, and your max squat will be roughly 1/2 of your max leg press.. Though I've never tried doing squats b/c I never have anyone w/ me.. Is this true as well.?Health Question & Answer

There is no definate multiple of your bodyweight that you should be able to squat or leg press.. It varies from person to person as each individual has a different proportion of fast and slow twitch muscle fibres in their body.. Those with more fast twitch tend to have more explosive power, so could leg press say 160kg 4 times at most, however, a person with more slow twitch fibres may be able to leg press 100kg 15+ times..
Squatting is a compound exercise, and therefore requires a number of muscles to a) provide the motion and b) to stabilize and support those of part a.. Typically, you will be able to squat less that when on a leg press because you have the stability to account for.. But, squats are a better measure for lower body strength because it requires all of the links to be strong in order to be able to lift safely..
For a leg workout in the gym, make squatting the first exercise.. This means your legs are completely fresh.. Then do the leg press.. This is as if you did the leg press forst, you'd be weaker on the squat and may run the risk of serious injury if you get a 'twinge'..
Personally, I weight 80KG and can squat 105KG for 12 reps (going so that my hamstrings are parallel to the floor at the bottom of the movement) but can leg press (after squats) 140KG for 12 reps.. So from my ability, it would be about 1..4 times the squat..
Machines will vary as each has different friction levels and provides a different path of motion for the body to travel..Health Question & Answer

Some people have trouble doing squats with just the 45 pound bar, and others can rep (not max, just rep) with many hundreds of pounds..

Last winter I was 165 pounds and my best squat was 235 pounds for 5 reps.. (These were with my legs going down to my thighs being parallel with the floor

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