Ok so I was wonderin...?!

Question: Ok so I was wonderin.......?
You know how if we dont eat at all for a couple days we will lose weight.?.? Well wut if we only drink liquids for a few days.?.? Or if we eat very very little.?.?(Cus I heard its possible to trick are stomachs to thinkn we ate a full meal)........ThxHealth Question & Answer

If you don't eat at all for a couple of days you lose mostly water, not fat.. This happens even from any sudden change in the type of food you eat, which is why most diets give a quick loss in the first week.. This encourage the dieter, who then gives up when the second week fails to give identical results..
There are diets which are liquids-only..
None of these are possible to keep for any length of time, and would be very unhealthy to try.. Jockeys who need to get down to their riding weight might use tricks like these.. They are not suitable for every-day use for anybody..

The best way to make your body aware that you have eaten enough is
* eat slowy
* eat without doing anything else at the same time - just sit and concentrate on the food..
* Watching TV, driving, walking in the street, web surfing etc all take your attention away from the food, so your brain does not register you have eaten until you have eaten much too much..
* eat many small meals, not a few big ones.. This keeps a steady level of blood sugar.. a lack of which will make you feel "peckish" even when you are not hungry..

Suddenly not eating at all can fool (panic) your body into thinking you are about to starve, leading to a slowing of your metabolism, so you use less energy in your normal activities and lost very little weight..

Eating only about 500 to 800 calories less, but more of it as protein and vegetables, less of it as carbohydrates, will keep your metabolism high, making it easier to exercise and burn more fat..

For an excellent overview of nutritional needs and calorie calcuation, have a look at
The Ultimate Weightloss GuideHealth Question & Answer

You can go a few days without eating by just drinking:but then you transform body fat in energy that you lack and loose weigh in a very unnatural way..
You go in starvation mode:not funny..
You get under cooled,heart rate drops,blood pressure too:all you do is the automatic basic things:like breathing etc..
You can trick your stomach by drinking a lof ot water with every meal..
But you need to eat,to function..
Colors..Health Question & Answer

you may be able 2 servive for a day or 2 with only liquid, but i wouldnt recommend it, i have heard that if you drink a pint of water before a meal you wont eat as much, but never tried it myself,, i dont think you would last on liquid alone,...... think of babies.... they start off on just milk , but then soon they will need proper food as milk alone is not enough for themHealth Question & Answer

you could survive about a day or 2 just drinking water before your body goes into starvation mode, thats what ive heard anywayHealth Question & Answer

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