What do you americans think of us British ? Health Wise?!

Question: What do you americans think of us British .? Health Wise.?
Because most of the UK think that american people are obese, unhealty and live with mcdonalds burgers lol and most of you probably think of us with posh voices drinking tea lol personally i like america beacuse i can get eveything half price :)Health Question & Answer

i think of british as people with great skin and european looks but with bad teeth, no offense, but i wuld love to go to britain and get some of my cutureHealth Question & Answer

i was in england last summer , i found most of the people to be warm, friendly and very down to earth......there are tons of similarities between our 2 countries....most of the differences are pretty superficial, like brand names, the things a bathroom can be called haha....and various other slang terms....there are alot more obese people in america.. but in proportion to our population id think our percantage would probably be a few points higher than in the UK......i can say that i did see enough people with bad teeth to legitimize the british stereotype......but in general the people are as healthy as americansHealth Question & Answer

Yeah, I see as many obese people on that channel as I would on an American one..
There are actually a lot of health nuts here, and tons of athletic activities to get involved in, just as I would guess are over there too.. Whenever I think of people who are British, I don't think of you guys as much different..

And btw, tons of people I know refuse to eat at fast food places..Health Question & Answer

I think that most Americans think the British are smarter and wiser.. They tend to believe that British are more well-mannered.. The marketers in the U..S.. try to take advantage of this: you will often find narrators with English accents in commercials where they want to connote intelligence and worldliness.. Simon Cowell (on American Idol) is thought as being the true, all-knowing judge among the rest of the fodder.. As far as health, well, the big perception is that you get all of your healthcare for free and every level of it is immediately available to all of your citizenry, and that your hospitals are modern and world-class.. Americans feel that you never have to deal with corruption from any body in the health industry.. Therefore, you are perceived as being much healthier.. After all, when confronted with any type of societal or political issue most Americans ask," How do they do it in Europe.?"

I, being part of tiny minority here, know that this is a bunch of rubbish (as a Limey would say).. I have a couple of British friends that are a not the sharpest tools in the shed (I still love them though).. These friends have told me stories on how the service from health care practicioners there is worse than what we receive here, and that a little payment "under the table" makes things faster and better (how free and equal is that.?).. I've read articles on how some British citizens actually resort to pulling their own teeth because they can't get dentists to work for the socialist pay that they would normally get.. I know that the U..S.. has a history in violent deaths from guns but many Americans falsely believe that the British never murder assault or murder their own.. "What's hooliganism, any way," they would ask..

In the end: I guess the grass is always greener on the other side.. 'Just depends on how high the wall is between the yards..Health Question & Answer

i have met alot of british guys from on here an i think their the coolest guys i ever met.. i become good friends with one an we been talkin an omg i love his accent.. his family is amazing an from what i learned i wuld move there in a minute if i was old enugh.. we are slobs here an even tho theres good people i live in a real populatted area an many people r rude an nasty.. im sure theres those ppl everywhere but i luv british ppl, the accent an they do look more healthy, and thier more polite..Health Question & Answer

not everyone here is fat and lazy.. (though a lot are)
and mcdonalds disgusts a lot of people.. and yeah, i kinda do think of you guys drinking teaHealth Question & Answer

I am Canadian..Health Question & Answer

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