What should I do for Acne??!

Question: What should I do for Acne.?.?
I have Acne problems my mom says to wash my face everyday and I do that but it doesn't really do anything except dry out my face.. Anybody have any advice.?Health Question & Answer

Okay, heres what you do, make sure you bathroom is full of steam, this will help open your pores, then just wash your face, after that, simply wash your face with a wet rag, this will put some moister back into your skin, then turn the water on cold, not so bad that your can't stand it, but cold, this will close your pores and keep the shut, also do this twice a day when you wake up, and when you go to bed, when you wake up , because all the oil on your face, and at night because of the oil your face produces during the day..
Hope this helps
Email me your results please.?Health Question & Answer

check for food allergies.. no food allergies, be careful what soap you use as it could dry it out more.. and the more dry your skin becomes the more oil (sebum) it produces.. the more sebum it produces the more it clogs pores with dead skin cells and creates the acne/pimple.. so make sure you use a moisturizer daily.. jojoba oil mimicks sebum and can trick your pores into slowing down its own oil production.. pantothenic acid (vitamin b5) has worked for many but you have to take it in high doses 6 - 10 grams a day (side effects diahreaha, and not many but some complain about hair loss, not sure if it is due to the b5 though...... initial dosing is high for a couple of months at 6 - 10 grams but you may be able to drop it to a lower 1 - 3 grams a day after the 3 month loading phase, search web for more info on b5).. don't over wash your face, once a day is fine, try not scrubbing a lot with a rag as it will irritate skin and cause more oil production.. if possible visit an esthitician for regular blackhead extractions to avoid clogged pores turning into pimples.. drink lots of water 8 glasses+ per day.. avoid sugars, fatty foods, and chocolate.. eat lots of fruits and vegetables.. reduce stress by meditating and excersicing.. take omega 3 complex supplements.. squeeze lemon juice into bowl and dab on face with cotton balls, rinse after 5-10 minutes.. also try instead of lemon juice to use distilled white vinegar using same method.. both of the last to methods will kill bacteria and break up the dead skin cells so that don't mix with the sebum and clog up pores to create pimples.. avoid antibiotics like tetracycline as it will turn your teeth yellow and will loose its effectiveness after 6-12 months.. you can try visiting a dermatologist if you want to go the drug route but be aware it is not always effective but worth a shot.. i would try natural stuff first.. give the stuff time to work 6-8 weeks for making a descision on any of the above stuff.. btw i tried proactive and it worked for a little bit but i don't recommend using their toner, it seemed to make my pores clog more, the rest of their stuff was good though.. if you got lots of money you could even try the laser acne therapy, it is something like going once a week or every other week for zapping your face to kill off the acne causing bacteria.. best of luck, some people out grow it after puberty, some do not..Health Question & Answer

you could try one method, i enjoy using egg whites....take a cotton and cover your face with egg whites for about half an hour to an hour or just put it on before you go to sleep, till you wake up.. save the egg whites in a small cup and just take it and use it every morning..

if you want to use a product i recommend neutrogena.. i`ve tried many products and i must say that its the best, better than proactive.. i like using the neutrogena soap bar because it peels off the dead skin on my face making my face whiter and cleaner from acne.. also try the Neutrogena Acne On the Spot its this cream that clears acne really fast.. it worked A LOT for me in a day i saw results in a few hours but that was just me....

....if you ever have any scars from acne use tumeric roots....it`ll make your face yellow but it really works also almond oil and aloe vera helps with scars too....you should put those on whichever right after you pop an acne because it would most likely have a higher percentage of preventing scars

hope i helped =DHealth Question & Answer

Go to your dermatologist.. If it is acne, not pimples, it is related to puberty or something similar.. ;)

Washing your face everyday helps, but it won't really get the problem solved.. Your dermatologist will you give you special meds that help to clear up your skin.. ;DHealth Question & Answer

dude go to the dermatologist

get on a persciption like adoxa or acutane (if its really bad)

also get evoclin and xyclogel -- those really help but you need to get from doctorHealth Question & Answer

ive heard from many people that ordinary windex will dry up the skin and help clear up acne.. that and i think toothpaste..Health Question & Answer

PRACTIV, CLEAN&CLAER, OXY, CLEARISIL, AND TONS MORE!! make sure you use it every day.. and follow the directions.. it worksHealth Question & Answer

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