Serious question: Male has been getting severe headaches during sex with wife?!

Question: Serious question: Male has been getting severe headaches during sex with wife.?
I am 34 years old, and have 3 kids.. I had (or tried to) have sex with my wife the last 2 nights.. The first night when we were doing it, my head (the one on my neck that sits on my shoulders that is......haha) started experiencing an overwhelming headache that I cannot recall ever getting before in my life! I know I'm married and have 3 kids right!.?!.? But seriously, my head hurt so bad we had to stop.. Then tonight I tried to make it up to my wife, and again during sex my head hurt really bad again, almost to the point I was tearing up the pain was that bad.. I don't ever recall this happening before.. Is this a sign of something horrible to come.? Stroke, anyerism (check spelling), heart attack! I am scared to death.. My wife tells me to call my doctor in the morning and I think i will.? Any suggestions as to what it may be.. If it helps any my wife have been having sex like 1 every 10 days - 2 weeks.. We have a 6 month old and she was breatfeeding.. So we are getting back into routineHealth Question & Answer

My Husband also experienced this ....not two nights in a row, but severe splitting headaches immediatley after orgasm.. It was very sudden with no prior symptoms.. Very scary and we thought stroke and aneurism as well.. Our md diagnosed this as cluster headaches brought on by the physical stress of sexual relations....luckily it happens pretty rarely and she has given him some medications to help with the pain after the fact , he still is "suprised" when one shows up after sex as I mentioned before there is no indication before we start that he may get a headache after.. this has not become such a problem that our sex life has been damaged......Hope this helps..Health Question & Answer

get rid of your wife and try homosexuality, or go into a franscican monastery, otherwise, just try a new partner, sa woman and explain to your wife you want sex.. These three answers offer very different remedies for the three most common causes..Health Question & Answer

High blood pressure.?
Call your doc.. Don't wait Bud, this sounds serious..Health Question & Answer

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