Is it bad to masturbate too much?!

Question: Is it bad to masturbate too much.?
(Ok first of all I'm not trying to be funny or anything, I just want to know because I really need help)
Hi, I'm just wondering if there are any side effects if a guy masturbates too much.. I started watching porn since I was about 11 years old and then I started masturbating ever since I was 13 years old and I am now 17.. But the problem is that I do it too much.. I will do it every single time I take a shower, and well that seems like a lot, since it's been 4 years of doing it and sometimes I do it either 1 or 2 times a day and sometimes 3.. So I mean that's a lot of sperm loss since evertime I do it, well it comes out.. I've tried stopping myself but the most I could go without it is about a week..

So my 3 questions are:
Is it bad to masturbate too much.?
Is losing too much sperm bad.?
How can I stop myself from doing it too much.?

Thanks, any help is appreciated..Health Question & Answer

Everybody in here should be giving Theo and Rolly a thumbs up! Dude you need to cut back......seriously.. Too much masturbating can/will interfere in a relationship with a girl.. It's very common for a kid ur age to masturbate as much as you do.. In fact, I was doing it so much while in a relationship and it killed everything I had.. I learned by cutting down so that I would perform better when it was time..

If you want to gain some discipline and be more sexually active with girls, cut it down to 2-3 times a week max.. You'll be happy you did because you'll feel more confident and disciplined with yourself..

so yeah......

- too much masturbation is not good..
- losing too much sperm is irrelevant because ur balls keep reproducing millions a day..
- how to stop masturbating so much.? Take up a hobby or make plans with ur buddies to hang out at the bowling alley, shoot pool or whatever..

also, you know ur masturbating too much when it's interfering with your schoolwork and your job if you have one.. So cut back man, and show the ladies who's boss in ur town.. :)

Good luck

- StallionHealth Question & Answer

It is only bad if you are consumed by it...... You know you can't get anything done and you rather beat your meat then do anything else...... Then it is a problem...... You really need to stoop with the porn too that gives you a warp sense of women...... Your body reproduces sperm faster then you think, you are not loosing anything...... You also need to get a hobby or a job, that will take your mind off it...... Oh get you are girlfriend, she can do it for you and then you will be better off......Health Question & Answer

In my experience excessive masturbation made me feel mentally weak and i had some memory losss.. Most people say that masturbation is harmless but i have read about it leading to excessive production of certain hormones, and it leaves the body with lower testosterone levels which hinders some brain functions.. I'm not saying this is the truth, but it explains my experience..

Its just a matter of will power stopping, but its easier if you keep busy..Health Question & Answer

As long as it doesn't interfer with your daily activites it's fine..
Sperm produces fine.. Unless you masterbate every hour it should be fine..
Well try staying away from your computer, go chill with a bunch of guys or something so you won't get too 'excited'..
That's about all I can think of..Health Question & Answer

I remember reading that it promotes production of testosterone if its in too much quantities will cause to start loosing hair leading to baldness..
Am sure it makes you abit tired so you are loosing calories..
About loss of sperms am not sure..
About stopping yourself I can make some suggestions email me..Health Question & Answer

If you continue this way, the day you have a naked girl in your bed yo are going to masturbate instead of having sex.. hahaha
If you feel fine there's no problems with the amount you are saying to be masturbating..
Sorry to take so much of your masturbation time hahaha..
Take careHealth Question & Answer

It's only bad if it interferes with the amount of time you spend getting drunk and stoned !

That's why it's better to combine all three !

Auzziegob PissStop,..,..,..,tossing off and driving is not recommended for L Plate drivers !Health Question & Answer

well basically no becoz duhhh ur balls make much sperm as atter on earth but stopping is hard if ur addicted to it just try and divert your thoughts on world's problems or family misunderstandings if ur addicted the i d k what to do.?Health Question & Answer

It just means ur really Hornyy
NOt Sure dont think so
Try to think about other things and when ur in the shower dont let the water hit the part or ur penis that makes it go nutsHealth Question & Answer

no to the first
no to the seccond
idk to the thirdHealth Question & Answer

Once per week should be more than adequate for a guy of your age..Health Question & Answer

2-3 times a day is a good healthy amount try not to go over that! :)Health Question & Answer

no its not bad u an do it as much as u likeHealth Question & Answer

It only becomes an issue if it is interfering with other areas of your life
All young guys masturbate at least once per day even although some will not admit to it !!
I would suggest that watching a lot of porn can be an issue as it is possible it could cloud your understanding of relationships and the human body
In terms of the semen and sperm you ejaculate each time , the body naturally recovers this and so that is not an issue either
If the only times relate you when you shower (once per day .?.? ) + maybe once more then that is not too much
At some stage you are going to find a partner and then naturally the frequency will dropHealth Question & Answer

dude.... you should cut back.... dont grow up to be someone who can only get off from porn.. it sucks cus my friend (who is 20) has a girlfriend but he and his girlfriend are always fighting cus she thinks that he doesnt find her sexy.. the thing is that he told me hes watched porn sonce he was like 10 and he jerked off too much and now he cant get pleasure from sex without him having to masturbate while doing it and rthinking about porn.. dude.... you better cut back cus its a serious problem.. chronic masturbation isnt something you should ignore......
ok.... did i scare you.? i hope so.... i mean it.. :)Health Question & Answer

is it bad to mastubate too much
(*) not neccisarily unless it cuts into ure schedule such as school or other activities

is losing to much sperm bad
(*) why would it be bad when ure balls make millions more

how can u stop ure self from doing it so much
(*) u should stop thinking about quitting it u need to do something with freinds outside of the home .. find an acticity were beating ure meat is the last thing ude think about

and dont forget its only natural
p..s if ure fine with the amount u masterbate it fine
and o yeah dont listen to those he said she said or my freind told me their just one person the one persons opinion who really matters is mine..........jk yoursHealth Question & Answer

1..Anything excessive is not good..
2..Your body will easily produce sperm at your age..
3..If you continue you will seriously damage any future sexual
relationship with girls as you will only be able to climax in the
way you are now relieving yourself..

Cut back, you don't need it so often - find something else to do and don't risk your future happiness like this..

Bye the way, the sexy girls you like won't want you if this is all you can do.. If you want to masturbate in loneliness for the rest of your life go ahead but you can't beat a good romp with someone!
You have yet to find Satisfaction instead of Relief..
Try to find out how you are going to be able to satisfy someone else - it is quite a challenge but well worthwhile!Health Question & Answer

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