I can still grow? Bogus or not bogus?!

Question: I can still grow.? Bogus or not bogus.?
I'm 23 years old.. I'm 173 cm.. Yesterday I had a checkup with a doctor for my insurance and she checked everything in my blood..

I believe that after your growth explode at teen age, you won't get any taller..

But she said that I can still grow taller as my growth hormones in my blood still high as a teenager.. The problem is, I never grow again after I'm 16 years old.. At 16, I was 173 cm, and that's it.. She said that fat blocks it, so if I lose it, the hormone will start to work..

I don't want to have a false hope, but is it true.?Health Question & Answer

It's possible, but I don't think fat blocks growth, and losing the fat will make the growth restart.. After a certain amount of time, your bone plates will fuse, and it will be impossible for them to get longer.. So at 23, it's uncommon to grow..

Uncommon, but possible.. When i turned 22, I started growing again.. I was 6'2" when I hit 14 years old, and stayed that way until I was 22.. Now, I'm 23, 6'9", and still growing..Health Question & Answer

Yeah, often times when you lose weight, that weight could go to your height.. You have a great chance that you could get taller..Health Question & Answer

This is your doctor talking to you.. Why do you doubt her/him.? Loose weight and start to grow taller..Health Question & Answer

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