Will water help "cure" penis discomfort?!

Question: Will water help "cure" penis discomfort.?
I am going on holiday next week, but I currently have a slight discomfort in my penis.. I have been to hospital and doctors who have given me the all clear, could this just be something that happens.? I have heard drinking up to 8 glasses of waster a day can help calm this down.. I did this yesterday and it has worked a bit, but can anyone clarify this for me..

I am very desperate for a pain free holiday, so 10 points will be up for grabs!

ThanksHealth Question & Answer

Don't care much about the points, but hydration is important, because depending upon what you eat, be it acidic, spicy, peppery or alkaline, the urine can be strong to the urethra, and cause a burning sensation when peeing.. Even strong white raw onion as in a Greek salad can do this..

You do need lots of hydration as with the 8 glasses of water, to dilute the urine and the concentration of the hot conditions in it so to speak!

Have an awesome Holiday, and try this Dude.. I think it will bring you yur wanted comfort..
Me! :- )Health Question & Answer

May be you try the water therapy some more if it worked yesterday ..If the doctor says you are ok then I guess they know what they are saying..
Otherwise if it persist then go back to the doctor..
What kind of discomfort is it and what may have caused it.?Health Question & Answer

well if the doctor carnt help you i dont know who can maybe it is you underwear or the washing soap you use some thing like that change your washing soap, underwear, style of jeans, pants and see what happens..
good luck :-)Health Question & Answer

WEll maybe u probably just have an infection and drinking water helps cause ur probably not drinking enough water.. also if docs gave u the clear then ur good dont worry too much just drink ur 8 glasses of waterHealth Question & Answer

i drink a lot of water every day and i never fell uncomfterbul with my penis, he treats me like a friend =)Health Question & Answer

just beat it..Health Question & Answer

My friend has this problem, and this is what he did..

First off, the doctors are right, your fine..

Stop masturbating (if you are) until it feels better.. No sex, nothing.. Do the water treatment, but drink TAP WATER, even if it kills you to do so.. As well, 8 glasses doesn't matter, drink a full glass every hour that you are awake during the day.. When you have to urinate, do so, and afterwards (this may sound odd) but sit in the bathtub, or grab a bowl, and fill it with the hottest water that you can tolerate, and......you guessed it......let your penis sit in it for about 10 to 20 minutes, until it starts to feel cool.. After the water cools, soak it in cold water (not freezing) but as cold as you can handle.. Keep in mind, the hotter, the better, the colder, the better......do this EVERY time you pee..

1) Tap water has chlorines in it that are actually good for disinfecting/cleaning things, rather then minerals in bottle water..

2) Hot/cold water treatment: This cleans all of the urine that may be left inside the penis, and also relaxes all the muscles in the penis when its hot, and firms them again when you put it in cold..

3) No masturbating: Well, thats just obvious..

My friend did this, and he has given this advice to all his friends that he knows and they said it worked.. My boyfriend also had the discomfort, and I helped him do this, and he was fine within two days.. His was so bad he could barely walk, so your situation should be fixed right away..

As well, resist getting an erection as much as possible..

It would also be good to put lotion on your penis every night before you sleep, its good for the skin and can reduce irritation..Health Question & Answer

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