Will laser hair removal on the arm pit stop body odour?!

Question: Will laser hair removal on the arm pit stop body odour.?
By removing hair with laser, will this prevent under arm body odour.? also, does anyone know what actually causes the smell on people.? I heard that it is bacteria feeding on the sweat, but in that case, wouldn't everybody have the same smell since the bacteria would be the same.?

Thanks..Health Question & Answer

Removing the hair will not change the amount of sweat, except perhaps by a small amount by making the area cooler.. It can reduce the odor slightly by reducing the surface area for bacteria to grow on.. However, it's extremely expensive, and can cause problems if you're prone to forming extensive scar tissue.. Trimming or shaving is easier and has the same effect..

Different people have different body odors because of variations in their body chemistry and the various products they use on the skin.. The bacteria would not necessarily be the same either.. Populations of bacteria mutate and evolve just like any other species..Health Question & Answer

i dont know if it will completly stop it but it will help I mean I shave my pitts because of this same reason as do alot of other males because when you sweat and are active the moisture is somewhat trapped by the hair and tends to clump it and make a mess so with the removal of the hair the sweat runs down your side instead of soaking your pit hair hope it helpsHealth Question & Answer

Removing the hair will NOT relieve the B O..
It will help due to not staying so wet..
I trim my pitts with my beard trimmer, but not shave..
Our pits, palms, behind knee's, soles of our feet all sweat more than other parts..
Not all bacteria is the same, too many factors to discuss here..
Good LuckHealth Question & Answer

The smell is cause by bacteria collecting under your arms and then the added moisture and warmth creates a more than perfect environment for this bacteria to grow, and thus causing odor..
Removing hair will have little to no affect on whether your smell or not..Health Question & Answer

No, It will not stop the body odor but it may reduce it.. The body odor comes from your sweat.. You might sweat less considering there will be no hair there..Health Question & Answer

it might reduce it,
but it wont completly stop it..Health Question & Answer

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