What do the doctors check for an eighth grade physical?!

Question: What do the doctors check for an eighth grade physical.?
Do the doctors have to check in that area.? I hear some rumors that they have to do that AGAIN.? I also hear their is another uncomfortable thing they have to do.. Is this true.? I am a boy..Health Question & Answer

Hey bud !!!

I hope that this doesn't scare U but I'm affraid that thats a YES..

If U do get a full physical exam then YES they'll have 2 check U're scrotum (balls) & U're anus (inside U're bum hole)..

- A nurse will come in the room, ask that U remove all of U're clothing & then she/ he will give U a gown 2 wear..
- Then a doctor will walk in the room & do all the regular stuff..
- Like take U're pulse, check U're eyes, ears, mouth & so on........................
- After they've check all the regular stuff she/he will ether ask U 2 lie down on the table & turn U're whole body on 1 side or 2 simply stand..
- Then she/he will take U're scrotum (balls) in the palm of their hands & simply ask that U 2 turn U're head sideways & cough.. (it's that simple)
- After that, they will check U're prostate by entering a finger up U're bum hole & wiggle it around a little.. (theres nothing 2 it)

I know that this mite sounds a little scarry & but it's really not okay..

So be a good little soldier & be brave my friend..

Good luck from;
U're pa Yar..Health Question & Answer

Yes, they probably will.. Don't worry about it, every guy has it done.. It is no big thing at all.. But, of course, most 13 year-old boys freak out about it nbecuase it is unusual to them..

Look at it this way: You want to make sure that everything is working properly, right.? Your doctor is the person who is most qualified to determine that..

Remember: To a doctor, your naked body is about as interesting as laptop computer from 2002.. He has seen "that area" and, if needed, done "another uncomfortable thing" hundreds of times to hundreds of boys.. It is work that he does not enjoy.. And that's why he gets paid so much..

Use the physical as an opportunity to ask him questions that you have..Health Question & Answer

That "uncomfortable thing" is probably a prostate exam.. It's possible, but unlikely, that you'll have your prostate checked so don't let anyone freak you out about that.. He'll check your eyes, ears, throat, reflexes, heart rate, and breathing.. And of course the hernia exam, though this isn't always done if it's a sports physical.. This whole part will take about 30 seconds.. You drop your shorts, he cups your tesicles applying pressure upward, turn your head, cough, repeat for the other side.. Everyone worries about erections, and they occasionally happen, but usually we're too nervous and it's over so quick that it's not a problem..Health Question & Answer

height, weight, ears, throat, blood pressure, heart beat, breathing, joint reflex.. they check "that area" for evidence of hernia.. it's over in less than 10 seconds.. the cold stethoscope on my skin as he listened to me breathe was always more uncomfortable cuz it was colder and took longer..
i have no idea what the other uncomfortable thing you're worried about could be.. remember rumor doesn't equal true, especially amongst 8th graders..Health Question & Answer

It's true, its normal and it harms nothing -- discard the negative and self-destructive teachings you have been given and at least learn to say the words without wincing.. There is nothing wrong with either your penis or your anus -- and if there is, you really, REALLY want a doctor to figure it out early on, trust me.. Of course they can only find a problem IF THEY LOOK FOR ONE..


HermesHealth Question & Answer

an 8th grade physical will NOT involve a prostate exam

maybe the doctor will check your penis and scrotum but it may just be by looking at them
really there is nothing to worry aboutHealth Question & Answer

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