Bulk training questions!

Question: Bulk training questions

What are the principles I need to know for building muscle mass.?

Do i need to eat a lot.?
How many reps / sets and how often.?

Thank you very muchHealth Question & Answer

for training, heavy weight low reps, if your doing anythign more than 12 sets your wasting your time and it does nothing for your muscles, i tend to foolow this set layout:

set 1 : 10 reps
set 2 : 8 reps
set 3 : 6 reps
set 4 : 4 reps

if you can do more than 10 on your first set then up the weight abit as intensity is key to working the muscles and getting thems sore for maximum growth..

read this article explaining the principles of doing high reps:

'Myth #2: Doing high reps will "define/tone" your muscles..

This is another big misconception you will hear around the gym.. I'm sure you've all seen guys doing high reps thinking they will become more ripped, or more defined..

They couldn't be further from the truth.. Lifting lighter weights for higher reps won't make your muscles more defined.. If you want ripped muscles then you need to lower your bodyfat levels, simple as that.. A proper cardio program work will accomplish that for you..

This is one of the bodybuilding myths that is often believed by personal trainers and so-called "experts" in the fitness industry.. So remember, doing high reps with a light weight is a waste of time..'
source: .building-muscle-guide..com/bodybuilding-myths..html" rel="nofollow">http://www..building-muscle-guide..com/bod......

and about diet, no you dont have to eat alot, many people make the mistake of thinking they have to eat like pigs, here is whats important:

eat alot of protein; eating alot of protein doesnt neccesarily mean you need to eat alot, consider yourself having 3 protein shakes a day providing you 80g of protein at less than 600 calories, this will provide the bulk of the protien you need in a fraction of the calories you can have in a day.. undereating will only burn fat and will not affect gains.. protien in your diet is key to growth though as if the protien isnt there your muscle fibres simply wont grow to their full potential..

small meals; i and most get by on 6 small meals a day, consider your body can only process small amounts of protein at a time and there is no point takingin about 60grams at once as its just a waste, so spread your meals out every 2 hours is you can, and include your protein shakes in your meal, this will boost your metabolism and burn fat more affectively.. once again this has no afect on your gains..

its a myth that you have to eat alot and be fat to gain alot of muscle......Health Question & Answer

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