How to gain weight/muscle... as a veggie.!

Question: How to gain weight/muscle...... as a veggie..
joined a gym recently.. really need to put on a bit of weight (and muscle), trouble is i don't eat meat (or fish)..

anyone know any sites or advice.? Or any of those muscle gain stuff (body builder supplements things - not too sure what they're called) -- would they help (assuming i can get vegetarian ones).?Health Question & Answer

I'm a vegetarian too.. You need to make up for the protein you are not getting.. A peanut butter sandwich with 4 tbsp peanut butter and 2 slices of bread will be about 500 calories and 30g (60% DV) of protein, and is healthy.. Have egg, milk, and pasta products and you will easily get enough protein/calories.. Whey protein powder is vegetarian but I don't think it is necessary.. Most people, even vegetarians reach an adequate amount of daily protein.. I tried the whey protein powder once and I don't know if it was just the brand but it tasted nasty, and anything in a powder form simply can't replace actual protein rich food..Health Question & Answer

That's why you need to gain wait, you're a vegetarian.. You don't receive enough protein to build muscle, so going to work out is only going to make you smaller because your body will be starving for protein.. Since you won't be eating any, your body will leech it from your muscle tissues.. You can use the weight gainer mixes, several different brands and flavors, but they all come from milk protein.. If you can drink milk, you can use them.. Good luck..Health Question & Answer

Well to gain muscle you are going to need to work out a lot and you are going to need to eat a lot of protien after you work out.. If I were you i would look it up on the internet.. It is going to be a little harder for you to gain a lot of muscle if you don't eat meat though..

-ConnorHealth Question & Answer

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